Prophetic Word: The reverence they and I are due is absent. #propheticword

8 months ago

"The condition of the church is in shambles. I am cleaning My temple. All who refuse to abide in Me are damned. Your choice has been set before you. You either follow My precepts or you go to hell. My prophets are not here to babysit you nor be your punching bag. There will be consequences for abusing My officers. The reverence they and I are due is absent. The real prophets hear My voice daily. Stop putting them into your box of assumptions. They are an extension of My presence. You don't take them seriously, you don't take Me seriously. I'm fed up with your disrespect. You spit on My apostles like they are manure. They are your supervisors. They report to Me. Your insubordination is beyond tolerable. You will be damned if you continue to revile them. - YHWH"

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