Kung Fu Kitten

7 years ago

Look at this little mouser and the way he attacks that toy. You just know that you’re never going to have a rodent problem in your house while this tiny terror is around. He’s going to rule your yard and the surrounding neighbourhood with that steely determination of his.

And look at those moves. Even Bruce Lee couldn’t move like that when he was in his prime, ducking and jinking from side to side, sizing up his opponent and getting ready to land that sucker punch.

But the most striking thing about this little guy is his eyes. They’re like dinner plates as he eyes up the next bit of mischief he can get up to and it looks his owner could be the target.

Cats are such great pets to have around. They are bundles of fun when they are kittens and easy to look after when they get a bit older, adapting to the way you live your life and fitting in seamlessly.

But watch out for those claws. This one looks like he knows what they are for and he’s not afraid to use them.

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