Mirror's Edge (PS3 vs Xbox 360 Graphics Comparison) -No Commentary-

11 months ago

In order to get the PS3 version of Mirror's Edge to display at 1080p, you have to go into your system settings and turn off 720p, and 1080i as display options, and the game will run at 1080p. In order to get the Xbox 360 to display the game at 1080p, plug your Xbox 360 into a TV that supports it. Lol.

My apologies for muting the background music, but the DMCA hounds are not to be dealt with, even if this video is technically to inform or educate people on the differences between the PS3 and 360 versions. I already know how that appeal would go.

As for the better of the two, while I don't have a framerate counter like trdrop to see which one runs better, I can say that I didn't notice much differences except for when I was trying to line up the cut-scenes. I did the best I could, but my editing software is crap, and it can only do so much.

Graphically, I did notice that the 360 version of the game has some extra shadows in it, but there was nothing major that stood out. I guess the difference is if you like the brighter look of the PS3 version verses the darker look of the 360 version.

Texture quality seems to be about the same. Maybe those of you running 4K displays will notice more differences than I do at 1080p. I want to the the PS3 version has a little more aliasing, but nothing major.

I would say this one is pretty much a tie. There may be the slightest edge to the 360 version, but both versions are close enough.

As for the game itself, I love this game.

#mirrorsedge #xbox360 #ps3

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