(15) The Window to the Soul

8 months ago

[Chapter 15: The Window to the Soul]

I woke up in a small white immaculately pristine rectangular “clean room” in a white chair made of a single pearl facing a window coving the entire length of the wall of the long side of the room. It reminded me of in movies when the police detectives would look through a one way mirror into an interrogation room where the interrogator would be interrogating a person in handcuffs behind a desk. However, through the window I was looking through there was a glowing white orb of light with some kind of containment machine around it; it looked like a fusion reaction generator. There was an angel in a white robe with 4 large white feathery wings, two were spread outward and two were coving the body like a second layer of clothing. The angel looked at me and said, “Oh, good. You are awake.” I looked at the angel, “Where am I? Who are you? What is that thing behind the glass?” The angel had a very stately distinguished face with a very regal intelligent look to it. I could tell that this angel was important and had a high status and prominent position.

The angel said, “You are in a viewing room looking through the window to your soul. My name is Zahara. I am like a scientist and doctor angel, I am one of the Cherubim. That thing behind the glass is your soul. You can thing of this area as analogous to a hospital nursery for newborn infants.” Half joking I said, “So, I am an infant?”. Zahara laughed and said, “Well, yes. On the scale of eternity, you are an infant. Time works differently here. A day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day. We could spend a thousand years watching all the minute details in a single day of your life or we can spend a day watching the lives of your ancestors over a thousand year span. We are not bound by the limits of linear time. We can contract and expand time. We can access information from the future and the past at any moment. All information from the past or future is available to us in the present whenever we choose to access it.”

I asked the Zahara, “When you access the information, can you change the past?”.

Zahara responded, “Yes, we already have. Or more precisely we already will. Distinctions between the past and future here are not as clearly defined as you might expect. We will spend thousands of years influencing the details of every day of your life, which your soul has already experienced. We get to enjoy the fruit of our labor before we even do the labor. You are the fruit of our labor of love. Your entire temporal life occurred in a few moments here while you were being programmed in a beta test environment, but we will spend thousands of years making small changes to influence your temporal life. Your soul experienced those few moments you were being programed as your entire temporal lifetime, but the data was downloaded to your soul in just those few moments. The time you experienced in your temporal life was just an illusion; it was just a parameter to help us program you so everything didn’t happen all at once allowing us to make changes depending on how you responded.”

I asked Zahara, “So what am I? Am I human or am I a program?”.

Zahara responded, “You are human. You are a human soul and a mind, which the Creator has created. Your soul perceives time in a linear fashion, but your mind acts like an advanced computer program that chooses things in a non-linear fashion. Your body in your temporal life was temporary like a tent just for while your mind was finished being programed. The Creator likes to delegate, so he delegated the responsibility of programming you to us Cherubim angels. Your new body is like a permanent house that your mind and soul remotely control.”

I asked Zahara, “So my temporal life was just a virtually reality computer simulation? Were the people I met in my temporal life even real?”

Zahara responded, “Yes, your temporal life was like a virtual reality computer simulation we used to program you. However, the people you met in your temporal life were real. The virtual reality computer simulations we use to program all the humans souls and minds are all coupled together. The people you met in your temporal life were all real. You can meet the people who chose to be vessels of honor like you who bent the knee to the Victor as their Lord and believed that the Creator raised him from the dead. The people who choose to be vessels of dishonor that rejected the Victor were quarantined and thrown into a lake of fire virtual reality environment that simulated the Gehenna fires used to burn the trash or waste byproducts of the programming process.”

I asked Zahara, “Why do there have to be human souls thrown into the lake of fire?”

Zahara responded, “The lake of fire wasn’t created specifically for humans. It was created for the Enemy, the devil and his fallen angels. They will rebel against the Creator and introduce sin into the system trying to corrupt the human beings. Sin is like a computer virus that causes short term advantage as the cost of long term destruction. The Victor was able to cleanse all of the humans who bent the knee to him of sin. However, the ones who rejected the Victor are still corrupted with sin and would lead to the destruction of our society in the long term if we didn’t quarantine them. You have already experienced the destructive effects of sin from all the evil you experienced in your temporal life. The lake of fire was created as a deterrent to give the Enemy every chance or turning back from his evil plan to corrupt the human beings. However, the system reached a final stable attractor where the Enemy is still going to choose to implement his evil agenda to corrupt humanity with sin, which you have already experienced.

I asked Zahara, “Why can’t the Enemy simply be prevented from implementing his evil agenda?”.

Zahara responded, “The Enemy hasn’t actually implemented his evil agenda yet even though you have already experienced the effects of what the Enemy will do. The Creator has laws where we cannot punish anyone until after they have actually committed the crime. We already know the Enemy is going to commit the crime, but we have to wait into the Enemy actually commits the crime before we can punish him or do any adverse action toward him. Otherwise, the Enemy could claim that it was entrapment and there would be worse problems of false-positives, self-fulfilling prophecies, and other complications that would take a while to explain.”

I asked Zahara, “Why did you show me my soul?”.

Zahara responded, “This is like your orientation into your eternal life. We wanted you to see it for yourself so that you would know that your souls and mind are stored separately from your body. If anything bad were to happen to your body, your soul and mind are still stored here. However we already know that nothing bad is going to happen to your eternal body so you don’t have to worry about it. You can take comfort in knowing that we already know your entire eternal destiny, and it is even better than you are expecting it to be.”

I asked Zahara, “What am I? Why was I created? Was I created to be a toy, a pet, a servant, a friend, a subservient beloved child, or a sovereign ally?

Zahara responded, “Your soul is capable of having a conscious experience feeling senses and emotion. The amount of data your soul can process simultaneously is perceived by you as one moment in time. Your soul is like the Random Access Memory of a computer. Your mind and memories are like the Computer Processor and Storage Memory of a computer. Your temporal body was like a computer simulation of an android robot. Your eternal body is like a remote control android robot. Obviously this is an analogy and over-simplification; you are the ‘crown jewel’ of the Creator’s creation with layers of complexity made in the shadow image of the Creator. You have all the features of the Creator that make Him capable of creating other sentient creatures. You were created as the Creator’s legacy to be an heir to the Creator and receive an inheritance. You were created so that the Creator would have people like Him who could be His eternal companions and fully appreciate what the Creator has created.”

I asked Zahara, “So everything I feel is just from that apparatus stimulating that glowing orb I see through the window? How do I know the system hasn’t been compromised and false impulses are being sent to my soul?”

Zahara replied, “That was the question I was waiting for. Ultimately, everything comes down to trust and faith. You have to trust your Creator and have faith that He has a good plan for you. You can trust your Creator or you can trust nothing. Trust in the Creator is the foundation of everything. You must trust that He is always in control, He always tells the truth, and that He is always good.”

Smiling I said, “My living quarters in there for my soul seem kind of cramped.”

Zahara laughed and said, “I think the word you are looking for is cozy, but I can make some changes if you like”. Zahara suddenly flipped several switches, and I was no longer in the room. I materialized in a white endless expanse with the most beautiful being in front of me radiating brilliantly blinding white light, hearing the most beautiful enchanting music, feeling intense pleasure all over my body, smelling the most delicious smells, tasting the most delicious food, feeling intense joy, feeling intense laughter, feeling of intense peace, feeling intense love, and having an incredible feeling of intellectual epiphany like I understood everything. Suddenly, I materialized back in to room with Zahara who had flipped the switches back to their original position.

“What was that?”, I gasped still in shock from what I had just experienced.

Zahara replied, “I flipped the switches all the way to simulate your soul to its maximum setting”.

“Why did you do that?”, I replied.

Zahara explained, “I did that to show you your upper limit that your soul can experience for stimulation. The Creator doesn’t have you feel that upper limit all the time because it would not be beneficial. It would be like a drug that you got addicted to and couldn’t stop. The Creator is like a master story-teller and movie director. A movie that is only spectacle with thing blowing up, car chases, sword fights, etc. with a bad story with no plot would not be the best movie. A better movie would correspond to a story with an amazing plot that uses spectacle at strategic times to further the story. The things your soul experiences are like the spectacle of the movie of your eternal life, the choices your mind makes is like the story of your eternal life, and the Creator is like the master story-teller that writes the plot.”

I asked Zahara, “Can you do the opposite too? Can you flip all the switches to the reverse setting so that I experience the maximum darkness, cacophony sound, physical pain, burning sensation, disgusting smell, horrible taste, disorienting nausea, fear, torment, shame, and confusion?”

Zahara replied, “You do not want me to do that to you. It can be done, but I am not allowed to do it for you specifically. That punishment is reserved only for the Enemy and his most evil followers in the simulated lake of fire. They see darkness, they hear shrieking screams, they feel worms eating them alive, they feel flames burning them, they smell rotting corpses, they taste fecal matter, they feel like they are dying of thirst, dying of hunger, and are going to vomit, they feel incredible fear knowing their punishment increases with time leveling off like an asymptote reaching its maximum value at eternity, they are tormented by knowing their punishment is forever without end, they feel the shame of all the evil things they did, they feel incredible loneliness at being in solitary confinement for all eternity, and they are confused why no one ever warned them to help them escape their fate.”

I smiled that semi-fake smile that arises from awkwardness not genuine contentment, “Yes, please do not ever do that to me.”

Zahara smiled a genuine smile and laughed, “Don’t worry I won’t. It still is a good idea to always be nice to us Cherubim though. A little humor is good for the soul. ”

I then asked, “What am I supposed to do next?”

Zahara responded, “This was just a precursor to your orientation for your eternal life. Before we do full actual orientation, you need to wake up.”

I asked, “Are you telling me that I am sleeping right now and dreaming?”

Zahara responded, “It doesn’t matter what you call it. You can call it dreaming, you can call it having a vision, or you can call it having a virtual reality simulated experience. Now that you know all your conscious experiences are just from an apparatus stimulating your soul, it doesn’t really matter what you call it. I am going to throw the switch to have you wake up now. Ready? On three: one, two…”

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