(14) The Source of Sources

7 months ago

[Chapter 14: The Source of Sources]

I was in what looked like an inner chamber of a temple. The Victor was there with a long robe that reached all the way to his feet. He had white hair and a white beard, which seemed to signify how he was ancient from eternity to eternity. His hair and beard were whiter than any color of white that I have ever seen; it was pure white light making his face shine like a blinding sun. His feet were glowing like a bronze blade in a forge. The Victor had seven glowing orbs that looked like miniature stars orbiting around a common center above his right hand. It seemed to be some kind of control mechanism like a mouse for a computer. There was a giant ball about 20 meters in diameter of multicolored light in front of the back wall of the room. The multicolored light seemed to be shifting in a strange pattern that made me a little dizzy. It reminded me of screensavers for some computers that would go through a fractal pattern, but it was more complex than any pattern I had ever seen. The Victor seemed to be concentrating on the giant ball of multicolored light as if he was looking at something. The seven glowing orbs circling above his right hand seemed to move in a chaotic pattern and then returned to swirling in a circle with the order of the stars permuted. This permutation of the swirling orbs above his hand seemed to happen at random times with an average spacing of what seemed to be about 10 seconds.

I felt like a pet dog watching its master change the television using a remote control or working on the computer with a mouse. I felt like the Victor was doing something creative that was light years beyond my intellect. I was curious though what was going on, but all I could do was bark the following phrase, “What is this place?”. The Victor said, “This is the source of the sources”. I asked the Victor “where is this place located”. The Victor said, “This is in the actual temple in heaven. The temples the Jews built on earth were a miniature replica of this place.” I asked the Victor, “what are you doing”?. The Victor said I am designing a “supernatural soul and supernatural mind” that is capable of conscious thought, feeling emotion and feeling sensory experiences.

I asked the Victor, “How does it work?”. The Victor said, “I am viewing a 720 dimensional space, and I am using the 7 control keys to navigate through the space. I rearrange the order of the keys to focus on a specific axis, I use 6 of the keys control the angles and rotations, and I use a primary key that controls rapidity for zooming in and out.” I asked the Victor, “Is it hard to create a supernatural soul and supernatural mind?”. The Victor responded, “A supernatural soul and mind can only be created here at the source of sources. That is why this place is so revered. It can only be done using these keys, which are called the ‘keys to Death and Hades’. The ‘keys to Death and Hades’ are seven control orbs that transmit messages to the seven lampstand temples housing seven control spirits, which are used to control anything within the 720 dimensional space.” I asked the Victor, “Why is it specifically a 720 dimensional space?”. The Victor responded, “The Creator created for 6 days and rested on the 7th day”. I asked the Victor, “What does that mean?”. The Victor responded, “The permutations of 6 orbs yield 720 possibilities. Since the 7 orbs are going in a cycle like a day, you can ignore the last one when calculating the number of permutations”. I asked the Victor, “What is the giant ball of multicolored light in front of the back wall?”. The Victor said “That is called the ‘viewing cloud”, which is just a viewing device used monitor the 720 dimensional space and its changes.” I asked the Victor, “what is the supernatural soul and supernatural mind made out of?”. The Victor responded, “It is something that cannot exist within your 4 dimensions of space-time. It is something that has an infinite expanse. It is something that behaves like a reverberating infinite fractal-like structure. It is something that behaves like it is sourced from the Creator’s soul and mind, but it is fragmented to have its own unique identity. It is something that is like a shadow or reflection of the Creator. It is something only the Creator can fully understand.” I asked the Victor, “Why did the creator want us to actually ‘feel’ the sensations and emotions?”. The Victor responded, “A universe with no conscious witnesses is like a calculator with no operator to view its outputs; it might as well not exist.”

I asked the Victor, “What is the purpose of everything?”. The Victor said, “If you could feel the intense emotions that the Creator feels, it would overwhelm you. The Creator has more self-control than any of His creation can possibly imagine. The Creator wanted to create beings capable of empathy to share His own character of with.” I asked the Victor, “What is the most important thing to learn?”. The Victor said, “It is not about you. It was never about it. It is all about the Creator. It has always been all about the Creator. Everything we are is sourced from the Creator. Everything is created to serve the Creator’s purposes. We only get to choose in what capacity we will serve the Creator’s purposes.” I asked the Victor, “The Creator has different possible purposes for us?” The Victor responded, “The Creator uses temporal reception to manipulate the timeline like a potter manipulates lines and curvature of clay. Anyone trying to resist the Creator’s manipulation of the timeline is like a dried out lump of clay that resists the potter’s work. The Creator is like a potter trying to work a masterpiece as a vessel of honor while the clay is still moist. However, if the lump of clay resists the potter’s work long enough, it eventually dries out to where it can no longer be manipulated; the potter will use these ‘stubborn vessels’ as vessels of dishonor, which dried out before they reached their full potential.”

I asked the Victor, “What should I do?”. The Victor responded, “The Spirit of the Creator will guide you to all truth when you wake up”. I said, “So this is a dream?”…

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