💗SHE'S ALWAYS WITHIN - How Christ DISSOLVES Enki's AI Programs! ❤️‍🔥😇

1 year ago

HOW IS IT THAT I AM STILL "ALIVE" in this flesh suit - after all I have said and done in, just this existence? It is because, often (sometimes in those key test moments,) I've remembered, Christ Sophia is always within me!
In this video, I briefly go back over the history of "mankind" - as far as the dozens of researchers and book sources I've studied have ascertained - that Enki (Lucifer) had somehow produced offspring with the "divine DNA" of the Christ Mother Sophia in Orion, and of course, it was his _own_ part that created the epidemic of obedient human tools and narcissistic psychopaths - because, after all of his bloody wars, conquests, taking, and experiments- he has been successful - at least with some "lost souls"! No one knows the exact story, yet we can SEE the clear RESULTS and STACKS of corroborating evidence of all that I mention here.

NOTE: In PART 2, I go more into the true "reverential" speaking as a born-again gnostic; (I would like to think I'm teaching- ideally - with NO DOGMA!) - I describe a few examples of how I have done this shadow work and passed the Archons' tests. ENJOY

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