We become what we think about… (read comment)

8 months ago

How often do you spend the time to be still, and get quiet within?

And to allow space to create your goals and dreams?

When you realise this law of the universe - that we become what we think about most of the time, then how could you possibly not take this essential time?

This is also a good step in becoming aware of the thought habits you have every day - are you thinking (creating) what you want, or what you don’t want?

You are the creator.

Dream, believe, achieve ☺️❤️💫

I’m on a mission to help as many of us become fitter, healthier, happier and more connected to who we truly are. It is my life purpose.

Join me 🙏 links in bio.

#health #fitness #wellness #meditation #goals #dreams #progress #spirituality #community

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