GR95 - The Mirror of Peace & Joy

8 months ago

GR95 - The Mirror of Peace & Joy
All types of information based vibratory energies, emotional, mental, physical, economic, and social, and spiritual follow the course of expansion and progression. There is common knowledge of natural formation and central methods of transmutation, transformation and ascension of form to energy, fear to love, darkness to light. The timing of these changes will continue to be determined by the integrity of consciousness on three levels of the expression of existence; self, spirit and soul. These are represented by the families of; Dark, Love and Light.

There are universal laws of attraction designed as part of your multidimensional being. Every sentient being from all the families vibrate in time space divisions in freedom to gain experience from existence. In experience there is first the sound tone felt as vibrations coming from the spiritual body entrained to gravitational and magnetic fields of the collective spiritual mental body. These provide for vision to see the center of the course. The perfect alignment is necessary for this to proceed.

The key that unlocks the doorway must be exact and a match to the frequency of the door. When the resonant frequency within a body is reached the energy vortexes entrain to the overtones of the higher spiritual vibratory manifestations accelerate. The heart of the universe is vibrating in the highest frequency of light that is harmonizing and opening all attuned harmonics within the electromagnetic physically manifesting universe. The Family of Light communicates on waves of thoughts that vibrate through the mental causal planes of existence. From the world of illusions to the real the harmonic alignment of the wave forms are being attuned by the central source of the wide spatial base foundation underlying and supporting all spirit to the lead single point of absolute harmonized resolution of the soul of source.

In this time you are given the opportunity to expand your dream to the level of transformation that becomes absolute reality. Reality becomes what thought creates through focus, attention and intention. Planetary human thought experiences the intensity and climax of duality and polarization. Events that bring conscious awakening are timed in arrhythmic syncopations and irregular inconsistent dissonance creating static, distortion and corruption. On one level the resonant frequencies will increase in intensity to a point of climatic acceleration that opens the singularity of evolutionary translation. On the lower levels friction and decay continue to diminish the level of energy within existing structures creating a loss of vibration and deterioration of forms into disease and death. The splitting of the polarities is designed in this manner.

Physical reality that is following the old paradigm is affected by an irrevocable intensity where literally half of the population will move into self destruction. The destruction of old ego self will be a rapid decline of consciousness. It is the passing of ages into new era where the fragments of the old world falls off as dross and waste to be recycled. Pollution, toxins, poisons that are being dumped into the biosphere of the planet is the waste of humanity and in further correspondence there are energies that are being released into the emotional and mental environments. The world is overpopulated by competing energies and there is no longer sustainable nourishment to support or continue its existence. The weak, deficient and dissonant vibrations of conscious beings find decaying frequency and essence. They become noise, static and lifeless disconnected and dying. Through imbalance the center where source energy enters through the coil of the core is lost and the energy goes out.

This is the time of transformation. It is a period of judgment and adjustments where the consciousness that is off center and unaligned is locked outside of the new frequencies. The energy alliance of the arriving unification follows the plan that has transposed keys. Members of the old world consciousness seek outside authorities, structures and energies to assist in keeping the status quo. This is the indication of coming pain to those unwilling to surrender to the flow of the new plan. The amount of outer focus the consciousness attempts points to the level of pain and destruction that will be endured.

There will be an increase of individuals seeking answers from outside authorities, desiring escape into pleasure, demanding and abusing power, becoming neurotic and fearful for safety and seeking supernatural religious mystical dogma will be the first to see the demolition of their power. The new energy requires connection with inner wisdom of being. In seeking outer images, icons, leaders and teachings these are reflections and the distortions caused by the increase of the internal stream of resonant energy that will shatter the mirror that has manifested the illusion into millions of shards of sharp glass and partial images of the real.

The old mirror is broken away. You may pass through it into the realm of pure light or watching it turn into sparkling dreams of new realities flowing in an every moving course in the attainment of creative bliss. Or you may attempt to stay and find the billions of shards of hot fire and sharp glass slice and burn through your reality until you let go of the old consciousness and either suffering the pain and death into release or surrender and find peace and joy.

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