Understanding dog behaviors we’re unknowningly rewarding

8 months ago

In this video, we're going to explore the concept of dog behavior and how we're unknowingly rewarding certain behaviors in our dogs.

Understanding why your dog behaves the way they do can help you better understand and handle them. We'll explore the concept of operant conditioning and see how it applies to dog behavior. By the end of this video, you'll have a better understanding of how your dog thinks and how you can use that to better care for them!
Dog behaviors are unknownly rewarding.Dogs are known for their loyalty and companionship, but sometimes their behaviors can be puzzling. Without realizing it, many dog owners might be unknowingly rewarding certain actions and habits. From subtle cues during playtime to unintentional treats after a mischievous act, it's essential to understand the dog behaviors we might be inadvertently encouraging. By being aware of these, we can ensure a healthier and more harmonious relationship with our furry friends.

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