Exodus CH. 18. Moses gets advice on leadership from his father-in-law.

10 months ago

Truth In Scripture Pastor Rick Kabrick Thursday, October 26, 2023 Exodus CH. 18. Moses gets advice on leadership from his father-in-law.
Pastor Rick Kabrick PO BOX 595 Tiverton RI 02878 www.paypal.me/PastorRickkwww.truthinscripture.org
When Moses asks the LORD what he should do with these people, the LORD tells him to go ahead of the people, taking along his staff and some of the elders. Moses is to go to a rock at Horeb, strike the rock and GOD would provide the water.
Amalek attacks Israel at Rephidim. Moses orders Joshua to choose some men and fight Amalek, while Moses stands on the hill with staff in hand.
When Moses’s arms get tired, he sits on a stone while Aaron and Hur hold up his arms. Joshua defeats Amalek, and Moses builds an altar called “The LORD is my banner”.

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