The AntiChrist A Man Possessed By Satan

1 year ago

The AntiChrist A Man Possessed By Satan
Speaker: Pastor Stacey Carver
BIBLE: 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12, Daniel 7:24–27, Matthew 24:24,
1 John 2:18–22, 2 John 7, Revelation 13:1–10
DATE: 10-26-23

The Antichrist is a powerful, deceptive force, ultimately controlled by Satan. It is crucial to understand that the rise of the Antichrist is not a matter of if, but when. The signs are already present, and we must be vigilant and prepared.
In these challenging times, we find hope in our unshakable faith in Jesus Christ. He is the One who triumphs over the darkness and deception of the Antichrist. Let us anchor ourselves in prayer, study of the Word, and the fellowship of believers to stand strong in the face of these trials.
Be faithful, patient, and vigilant as we await the ultimate victory of our Lord over the forces of darkness!

In Christ,
Pastor Stacey Carver

Harvest Time International Church

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