Listen carefully to what Mike Johnson says. 👀 👀 👀

7 months ago

He says we will support our dear friend Israel. Of course we also support the good people who live there. We just don't support the tyrants of the cabal leadership.
Then he condemned Hamas for their barbarity.
And said we will stand for the good in that conflict.
Mike Johnson is smart and I bet he knows the cabal leadership used Hamas to do harm.... and is trying to start WW3.
He and President Trump are close. Speaker Johnson was a lawyer who represented President Trump in the impeachment.
Trust the plan.
If Congress approves funding/action, it will be to destroy the cabal.
And the world will be free.
About the photo:
Interesting anniversary, right?
"October: Hunter's Moon - After the harvest moon comes the hunter's moon, in the month preferred for hunting summer-fattened deer and foxes that cannot hide in barren fields. Like the harvest moon, the hunter moon is also particularly bright and long in the night. sky, allowing hunters to stalk their prey at night."
~ Royal Museums Greenwich

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