Conservative Commandos Radio & TV Show - Oct. 26, 2023

8 months ago

Conservative Commandos Radio & TV Show - Oct. 26, 2023

Hosts: Rick Trader & George Landrith


James Czerniawski is a Senior Policy Analyst at Americans for Prosperity, a national think tank with 35 state chapters around the country. He writes about Section 230, antitrust, consumer data privacy, cybersecurity, and technology and innovation issues. James will discuss the Biden Administration’s Federal Trade Commission is working against American competitiveness. The FTC reflexively opposes mergers even when American competitiveness against foreign companies would be benefited.

Bill D’Agostino is the Media Editor for NewsBusters as well as Senior Research Analyst for the Media Research Center's News Analysis division. His work has been featured on Fox News, Drudge Report, the Daily Caller, here at the Conservative Commandos, and other conservative news outlets. Bill will discuss how the broadcast networks — ABC, CBS, and NBC — have dutifully sheltered the hardcore Left (like the Squad) from public scrutiny for their antisemitism. He will also discuss how the Associated Press has said in its style books that Hamas should not be referred to as terrorists.

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