Lofe almost accused again

11 months ago

So, a YouTuber known as Lofe and his two buddies (Dan: The Filmer, and Goten: Friend/Featured) were filming at a Trump rally in Iowa. They actually went to two rallies because the first one they got kicked out from because they were filming. So, they then went to the second event, and immediately were kicked out, then the police came to escort them out, and the person overseeing the escort and the person that initiated it, starts screaming. Why? Because Dan simply tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention that a car was coming, and after he did that, that's when all hell broke loose. The guys start screaming like a little girl and claims that Goten threatened him, and Dan assaulted him. The cops immediately assumed they were guilty, but the guy presumably changed his tune after re-realizing that Lofe and the team were filming. The cops then have the audacity to say ".. this has turned into something a whole bigger deal then it really needed to be." Also if you know Lofe, you know that he has had numerous other videos of "Falsely accused" and sometimes he'll put in "again" in the title. The crazy thing is that this could be considered another example of falsely accused AGAIN. It's quite crazy how people will straight lie even while being filmed.

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