Jesus The Firstborn From the Dead

7 months ago

This video was made with Clipchamp
Good morning, here is today's prayer...
Dear Father God,
I seek You and Your Kingdom first with all my heart as Jesus taught us...
Seek first the Kingdom of God
and His righteousness,
and all these things shall be added to You.
Matthew 6:33
I know that the things of this earth shall all pass away and only the treasure laid up in heaven will matter, which Jesus explained...
...but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
where neither moth nor rust destroys
and where thieves do not break in and steal.
Matthew 6:20
Please let my life count for You and for Your Kingdom.
Thank You, Father God.
In the living name of Jesus I pray,

Jesus: The Firstborn From the Dead
And from Jesus Christ,
…the firstborn from the dead.
Revelation 1:5

Jesus was the Firstborn from the Dead, which means He was the first to be generated—or given life—from the dead, to never see death again and to live eternally. Jesus was a dead corpse in the tomb but was given life by the Father; His body lived again and will never die. Also, Jesus was the Firstborn from the Dead in the Resurrection. He was taken from among the dead, or from the location where the dead existed, and was taken to Heaven. Jesus can make life real to you today because He lives in you. Do you want it?
Lord Jesus, You arose from the dead so that You can come into my heart with eternal life. Now You abide in me. I praise You for giving life to me. Strengthen me for today’s tasks. I worship You as the Firstborn from the Dead.
Jesus was the Firstborn from the Dead and first in importance, because He became “a life-giving spirit” (1 Corinthians 15:45). This means that Jesus gave life to all. But Jesus was also the first in sequence; no one was raised from the dead before Him to never die again. Adam, Moses, David—all the Old Testament saints—He led into heaven (Ephesians 4:8). Jesus was the Firstborn from the Dead so that now all who believe in Him are “born again” from their spiritual death. All who believe in Him have His new life; they have eternal life. Why don’t you thank Him.
Lord, You arose from the dead to fill my empty life with Your presence. Give me happiness and meaning for life. Amen.
Go Deeper: Matthew 28:1-10
Jesus can give you life because He was raised from the dead.
Tomorrow...The Holy Spirit: The Eternal Spirit

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