MSOP | Oct 26, 2023 | Melchizedek School of Priesthood

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A Collective Pursuit of Maturity

The speaker emphasized the importance of priests having a compassionate heart, caring for those who are lost and out of the way. Selfishness will hinder our effectiveness as priests. As priests, we need to come before God bearing the burden of our people, not just thinking of ourselves. This posture gives us boldness before God.
We should see people in the perfected state that God sees them in, not in their current imperfect state. This requires faith on our part. In the Old Testament, the high priest would enter the holy of holies with stones representing the 12 tribes of Israel in a perfected state, even though the people were not yet perfect. This allowed God to continue working to perfect them.
Today, we approach God based on the blood of Jesus, not our own merit. Jesus is our high priest forever. We must pray as Paul did for spiritual wisdom, understanding of God's will, and to be more Christ-like. We need to diligently guard our hearts against hardening again through offenses, anger, etc. There is a corporate and collective growth we should seek, strengthening the whole body of Christ. Maturity means caring for the weak links in the body.
We must walk in revelation and spiritual judgment, not natural human judgment. This comes through intimacy with God's Word and Spirit. We should pray for God's justice on the earth and put our hope in Him, not man's systems. Righteousness will come to Nigeria.
When we take communion, it represents the real spiritual power and life of Jesus. We must partake worthily, not as a ritual.

School is in session! Join us for today's class : Melchizedek School of Priesthood | Oct 26, 2023

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