10-Minute Weighted Vest Workout

1 year ago

Looking for a solid way to get a good burn in 10 minutes? Try this routine out! I'm using a 20lb weighted vest for this, but you can go lighter or heavier. And if you need a little more sweat, run this workout for a few rounds! Let us know what you think!

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Equipment I'm using: (links direct to Amazon):

1. WEIGHTED VEST: 5.11 TacTec Tactical Weighted Fitness & Workout Vest: https://amzn.to/3OUbRjd

2. WEIGHT VEST PLATES (9lbS): https://amzn.to/3WJMXVg
👉 My Amazon Page (recommendations for Supps, Equipment, and Gear): https://www.amazon.com/shop/grittysoldier?ref_=cm_sw_r_mwn_aipsfshop_aipsfgrittysoldier_BF9Q2EVKPQ2X541XXMZ5

All the gear (well... most of it), came from REP Fitness: https://www.repfitness.com/#617b4bb5a0263

PR-1100 Power Rack
AB-3100 Adjustable Bench
370lb Black Bumper Plate Set
Series 1000 compatible Dip Bar Attachments
4x Weight Storage Horns (Series 1000)
SABRE Bar (20kg) w/ Center Knurl

00:00 Begin
00:12 Jumping Jacks
01:12 Air Squats
02:12 Push Ups
03:12 Forward Lunges
04:01 Mountain Climbers
05:02 Sway Squats
06:00 Plank Ups
07:00 Plank Walk-Outs
08:05 Burpees
08:53 Jumping Jacks

*An Amazon Affiliate
*REP Fitness Affiliate
*Information not officially affiliated with the US Army or DOD.
#workout #military #fitness

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