Amazon Parrot Gives The Greatest Rendition Of 'O Sole Mio' You Will Ever Hear

7 years ago

Parrots are probably the only creatures on Earth that will never cease to amaze us. Their abilities to make your day are absolutely out of this world. They can be low key when they feel that we need them to be, and then turn into the best playmates we could ever find.

If there is one thing they are known for, it’s their ability to sing and imitate sounds. What most people don’t know is that not every bird can speak, but most of them can learn how to whistle, and they’ll probably do it better than a human. This makes us a bit envious but the following clip would definitely make up for it.

Meet Adrian, an astonishingly beautiful Amazon parrot who can give Luciano Pavarotti a run for his money. This talented birdie gives an on point rendition of ‘O Sole Mio’ performed by Pavarotti. He is perched on his owner’s shoulder and seems to be a bit shy to start singing but slowly but surely, and with a bit of coaxing from his owner, Adrian shows us he has some mighty pipes. The cute bird is so into the performance, he sometimes forgets himself and belts out the notes at the top of his voice, and his antiques have our hearts melting.

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