“You have the resources to navigate your life!-Duck

6 months ago

Nature Walks, messages and symbols along the way, today we have a
A word from Duck 🦆 -

“You have the resources to
navigate your life! Be that
mentor, guide or interpreter for others! Share your knowledge and have faith in your own abilities.”

Duck Meaning and Messages -

Duck symbolism is reminding you to take notice of your surroundings because there is a new opportunity available to you.

Moreover, this spirit animal is also letting you know that to succeed, you will have to move forward swiftly.

Therefore your new ideas can take flight.
In other words, this opportunity will not wait for you.
Similar to the antelope meaning, the Duck symbolism is making it very clear that to be successful with your goals, you have to move now!

Interesting message to receive - this eclipse I I feel personally- is bringing forward some big energy that can and will potentially move mountains, Physically, Psychologically, Mentally, Emotionally,

All the sign’s keep sending the same message, get prepared, be prepared, know you cannot fail, only learn.

Grace and Peace


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