Domino Revival - 10/24/23 - Edwards Theater - Ontario, California

1 year ago

Domino Revival, was released in select theaters on 10/24/23. This movie takes the viewers on a journey with revivalists, headed by Pastor Mike Signorelli, and it supernaturally calls the viewer to respond to the work of the Holy Spirit.

God reminded us just before the last showing of the movie to go. The theater was turned into a church service with people being saved & delivered...from suicide, depression, unforgiveness, condemnation, hopelessness, shame, guilt and other things.

One woman after being delivered was filled with "joy unspeakable & full of glory," and she began jumping up & down. Others asked for prayer, & around 4 hours after entering the theater, we left, touched by the Holy Spirit, & thankful to God for what He had done/ God be ALL THE GLORY!

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