The CCP-controlled cryptocurrency mining operations are spreading across 12 U.S. states

8 months ago

10/25/2023【​​Nicole on the Winn Tucson China Watch】Nicole Tsai: The CCP has established Bitcoin mining stations near U.S. naval bases and a Microsoft data center supporting the Pentagon. The CCP-controlled cryptocurrency mining operations are spreading across 12 U.S. states!
#bitcoin #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP #NFSC
10/25/2023 【妮可参加温图森中国观察节目】妮可:中共在美国一个海军基地旁和为五角大楼提供支持的微软数据中心附近建设了比特币的矿场,中共控制的数字货币挖矿活动正在美国12个州蔓延开来!
#比特币 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共 #新中国联邦

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