1 year ago

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ASF Corporal Past Paper MCqs 28-10-2022 (Batch-1)
#asf #jesus #islamiat #jokes #mcstan #imrankhan #highlights #how #mcqs #asfcorporal #asfcorporalmcqs #asfasi All information is collected for you on airport security force salary 2023 ASF Pakistan Ranks And Badges. The post of corporal driver BS-05 and auto electrician BS-05, then we have electrician BS-05 and MT driver BS-05 working for the ASF body, as their pay scale is the same and their monthly salary will too be same. They get Rs 18858. The post of plumber BS-03, they are given Rs 17741 as their monthly income.In this airport security force, we have mason BS-01, cook BS-01 and khakroub BS-01 job positions and their monthly and average salary is Rs 17011. For the information, ASF started its official journey when it started to look after the 07 major airports. At that time, this body comprised of the limited manpower of only 2870 staff. Now the responsibilities of this body has been expanded. We see the expansion and induction of civil aviation operations. This ASF manpower is now increased to almost 8945 all ranks.
Airport Security Force Salary 2023 ASF Pakistan Ranks And Badges
Details of ASF Pakistan Ranks And Badges are as follows, in this body, this is how the ranks structure and organization chart is being followed! The force commander comes on the rank and pay scale of BS-20, deputy director is assigned the scale of BS-19.
Sr No ASF Ranks
1 Director General BS 20
2 Deputy Director General Coord (BS 19 + RS 400/- P.M. As Spl. Pay
3 Director BS 19
4 Deputy Director BS 18
5 Assistant Director BS 17
6 Deputy Assistant Director BS 16 + Rs 150/- P.M As Spl Pay
ASF Corporal ASI Salary In Pakistan, Revised Pay Scale & Uniform 2023
The airport security force is abbreviated as ASF. They are also responsible for facilitating the staff and passengers at the airport by guarding the airport against all disturbances causing blockages and disruptions to the airport schedule.
Corporal Duty In Airport Detail Information
The force protects the airport from factors that violate its laws, such as terrorism, crimes, and events that disrupt the airport’s environment. It protects the airport environment from terrorism, crimes, and other events that violate airport laws.
ASF ASI Salary In Pakistan 2023 Latest Update
Corporal Scale Grade = 07
They get an annual increment of Rs 910 as corporals (BS-07), who earn a minimum salary of Rs. 16,310 and a maximum of Rs. 43,610. The average ASF corporal salary in Pakistan is 34,400/=/month.
ASF Corporal ASI salary in Pakistan, the starting salary for this grade would include the risk allowance equal to the basic salary + 25% special allowance. So the salary would be around 39000+. Also, ASF staff get a night allowance for night duty, so in summary, ASF has an excellent compensation package. In addition, ASI Corporal Salaries In Pakistan are given after training.
Corporal Duty In Airport
There are 6 hours of duty for corporals and 6 hours for security guards at airports. Interviews discuss special allowances, enhanced incentives. The airport security force also offers medical allowances, family allowances, and travel benefits to its employees.
Assistant Sub Inspector ASI scale grade = 11
They will have a minimum salary of Rs. 18,650 and a maximum salary of Rs. 38970 with an annual increment of Rs 1,310. A #gk #iba @spsc #spsc #nts #pts #ots #cts #dts #sts #stsiba
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As a result, ASI and ASF employees would receive around 42000+ a month for night duties, so in short, ASF offers a relatively good salary package.
Requirement for ASF ASI Salary in Pakistan Pay Slip (2023)
A total of two positions are available to applicants: Assistant Sub Inspector (BPS-11) and Corporal (BPS-7).
Posts Name Education Height (Male) Height (Female)
Assistant Sub Inspector (BPS-11) FA, FSc, or equivalent 5’-6″ 5’-2″
Corporal (BPS -07) Minimum Metric 5’-6″ 5’-2″
Males must weigh 106 lbs or 48.1 kg and females 45 lbs.
Men’s chest measurement is 3234 “-3434”.
Currently, the upper age limit is 5 x Years, but the Government may relax it.

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