417 Hz Solfeggio Sexual Trauma Healing Subliminal - 30 Minute

1 year ago

Have you experienced sexual abuse or trauma?
The Sacral Chakra, the second Chakra in the energy system, is associated with 417 Hz. The Sacral Chakra is located at the lower abdomen and inner pelvis. Sexuality, sensuality, creativity, and the joy of life are all connected to the Sacral Chakra.

If you have experienced sexual abuse or trauma, it can impact the Sacral Chakra and even block or deactivate it. You may question your right to desires or relationships and have difficulty accepting those rights until the Sacral Chakra is activated, unblocked or balanced.

A healthy and loving relationship with ourselves and the outside world is the result of the Sacral Chakra being in balance and functioning correctly. We may experience self-doubt and social awkwardness when it is out of balance. We are not able to have deep relationships with other people and we are not enjoying life to the fullest.

Water is a symbol of flow and freedom of expression through emotions, sexuality and sensuality, and it is associated with the Sacral Chakra. This makes sense because we are frequently unable to truly let go in intimate situations or express ourselves freely with others when we are still holding onto negative experiences from the past.

There is no denying the similarities between 417 Hz and the Sacral Chakra: they are both centered around emotional freedom.

417 Hz Solfeggio - Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change

You can access your subconscious and resolve any issues related to under or over stimulation of the Sacral Chakra by listening to the Solfeggio 417 Hz Frequency. All of our opinions, assumptions, values, memories and internalized traumas are stored in the subconscious. Your physical and mental health can suffer from deep-rooted ideas and traumas that lie dormant in your body.

You can discover any trauma related to intimacy, pleasure and creativity by tuning into the Solfeggio 417 Hz Frequency while listening to these emotions. This will help you recognize self-defeating or limiting thoughts and change outdated behavior patterns.

288 Hz - Shifts our awareness to the part of the body that corresponds with the Sacral Chakra in order to receive that knowledge. We may learn about the energy condition of the Sacral Chakra from our bodies and emotions. One can assess whether the Sacral Chakra needs to be rebalanced by scanning the Sacral Chakra and feeling if there is any tension in that location.

210.42 Hz - The Platonic frequency is the sound of a specific planet or time period on Earth.
The Sound of the Synodic Moon - This is the time when the moon is full. This tone promotes creativity and improves sensual communication.

Isochronic 9.0 Hz Alpha Wave - Awareness of causes of body imbalance & need for balance, Associated with Sacral Chakra, effecting Reproductive System, Relationships and Sexuality.

These subliminal affirmations are not audible to the human ear but are heard by the subconscious mind. Subliminals work by bypassing the filters of the conscious mind, sending very clear messages into the subconscious.

Sexual Trauma Healing Subliminal

I am at peace within myself.
I know, and I trust what is true.
I am not broken; I am complete and whole.
I deserve genuine love.
I am worthy, strong and deserving of love.
I voice my expectations to the people around me, so they can love me better.
I am never alone because I’m surrounded by love.
I am pure and worthy of love.
I embrace and enjoy my sexuality without shame or guilt.
I focus on my present and future, rather than being stuck in my past.
I am a treasure that deserves to be honored.
I trust my gut when it tells me something isn’t right.
I am strong enough to face my fears and overcome them.
I attract healthy and amazing people in my life.
I am worthy of receiving pleasure and being fully satisfied.
I am worthy of kind, patient, selfless, and amazing people in my life.
I am emotionally strong and unbothered by my past.
None of my past experiences determine who I am.
I use my voice to communicate my wants and needs.
I am grateful because I know my sexual and emotional needs are respected.
I am worthy of relationships with people that are patient.
I am worthy of happiness and joy.
I am deserving of fulfilling and passionate sex life.
I create an atmosphere of peace and safety for myself.
I release the feeling of guilt, hurt and shame.
I am grateful because I am sexually secure and happy.
I am ensuring my inner-child feels safe from pain through my actions.
Sharing my sexual needs and preferences with my partner feels comfortable and safe for me and I am grateful for it.
I am comfortable and confident in my own skin during sexual encounters.
I am deserving of pleasure and satisfaction in every sexual encounter.
I am courageous, I am whole, I stand in my power.
I embrace vulnerability and intimacy in my sexual relationships.
I am a sexual being, embracing and celebrating my sexuality with joy and confidence.
I release any guilt or shame surrounding my sexual desires and experiences.
I am capable of experiencing deep pleasure and orgasm.
I deserve love and acceptance regardless of my sexual preferences or experiences.

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