How to Fair and Prep the Hull with Epoxy Primer - Boston Whaler Restoration - part 13

1 year ago

The next step in the Boston Whaler Restoration is to fair and sand the hull to prepare it for it's final finish paint. I also use a first coat of Totalboat Epoxy Barrier coat to highlight the defects and fair and sand those to provide the smoothest surface possible for the final finish coats of Interlux Perfection.

One interesting note on where there was missing foam and soft spots. After some discussion with knowledgeable friends, we've concluded that the most likely cause was running the boat at speed with a compromised hull. The water entering the hull under those conditions would act like a power washer, eroding the foam.

Regarding the PC-11 vs Marine-Tex here are affiliate links to the two there is a SIGNIFICANT price difference!

You can read the written version of this video here:

Marine Tex 14 oz.
PC-11 Marine Epoxy

Affiliate links to other products used in this video:
Flexible Long Board
Ridgid Random Orbital Sander
Fairing Compound:
Total Protect Barrier Primer

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