Praise, pray and rejoice to God for our salvation.

1 year ago

Greetings to We The People of the Second Constitutional Republic of The United States of America,

God said He shall destroy the Babylonian Kingdom of king Nebuchadnezzar II in 1 day, as if they never existed(Daniel 2:35 and Genesis 6:3). That day is when you see this video. How did God do it? My love ones in KonKen Thailand would say: “ With Climson Tide.” Lord Jesus Christ is returning to reign for a 1000 years of peace and free all His brothers and sisters. I asked God how did He have the founding fathers start the 1st Constitutional Republic of The United State of America. He said: Write it down and post it in a public place. So I did, everyone in the world can find it in my book; * FOR THE RECORD! [* Library of Congress Control Number: 2022904632], Please read pages 88 through 92 and pages 128 and 129. Free PRINTABLE ebook may be found by going to or www.piis3,com, scroll down to “OUR PRODUCTS”, click on Free ebook, and download file. Anyone in the world may download, print, publish or sell my 2 books and videos on BubbaTwain. On December 22, 2023, I will convene the 3rd Session of The 2021 Third Continental Congress at Carpenters’ Hall is in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 8 AM EST. Each of the 50 states shall send 4 delegates to serve until all We The People of the 50 united states ratify the 1787 US Constitution of the 2nd Constitutional Republic of The United States of America. James N. Akins, Jr. is Speaker of the House of Representatives. Mr. John C. White, Jr. decided to represent Arkansas as a Congressman. and I have asked a Gentleman loved and trusted by billions of We The People around the world to be President of the Senate and Vice President.. To meet this short deadline and be fare in representation, I suggest everyone that would wish to be selected, send your name to your State Congress Office. Each State perform an old fashion lottery. After their Congress vets the applicants, they shall putt the women’s names in one barrel and the men’s names in another barrel, turn the barrels and draw 2 women and 2 men. Have them sign 2 oath of office forms and initial YES or NO ( Like mine shown on page 21. Keep 1 copy for State’s record) and have the State Congress mail the 4 originals to: 2021 Third Continental Congress, PO Box 1111, Fairhope, Alabama 36533-1111 by December 10, 2023.

Praise God and rejoyce for our salvation.

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