Obama is APOPHIS the 666 Serpent man his Last reign is coming 42 Months.

1 year ago

Obama born 4th August 1961.

+ 66 Years 6 Months (666) Last 666 milestone of that decade before his 70th Birthday which will be 4.8.2031.

= 4th February 2028. Obama 666...

Then Apophis 99942 = 13.4.2029.

Revelation Chapter 7.
The 144,000 are from the original 12 Tribes of Israel (virgin men) who Died and were redeemed from the earth. They are to come back during the last 42 Months Great Tribulation and preach the gospel. They have the seal of the living God therefore the Trumpet Judgements and the fallouts cannot HURT them.

When the 5th Trumpet sounds (Movie the 5th Wave) those alive on the earth still who did not get caught up with Christ at the opening of the 6th Seal (Rapture) will be tormented for 5 Months by the demon locusts whose King is Abaddon/Apollyon. Apophis Hebrew, Greek, Egyptian.

vs 4: But only those men which have not the seal of God in their forehead.

Sorry I said those will be tormented who had the mark for five months that would be incorrect.

Only the 144,000 are protected from torment for 5 months when the scorpion like stings occur on mankind.

Amazing math's.

144,000 divided by 666 = 216.216 216
144,000 divided by 216 = 666.666.666

At the opening of the 1st Vial chapter 16 Revelation are men afflicted with a noisome and grievous sore for taking the mark of the beast (Man) which worshipped his image.

Documentary. "Marching To Zion"
You will learn who The Twelve Tribes of Israel were KJB Biblically speaking.

Which will expose the LIES and erroneous teaching of the Jehovah Witness and Seven Day Adventists CULTS on the 144,000...

Chapter 8 - 9 - 10 = 7 Trumpet Judgemnts.

Centered around Abaddon/Apollyon. Hebrew Greek. King. The Angel of the Bottomless pit (Abyss)

The Global Elite take the biblical narrative and with there observations on the Heavens like the Vatican OWNED Telescope at Mt Graham USA called "Lucifer" observe to see "Wormwood" and its approach. Trumpet 1 - 2 - 3.

Google searches...

Abaddon = Destroyer = Angel of the (Abyss) the bottomless pit who has power to torment men for 5 Months who have not the seal of the Living God in their Foreheads.

The Mark of the beast in contrast is in the Forehead no Man shall buy or Sell without it.

So. Scripture alludes to the remainder of the Global population who are not sealed will suffer for 5 months I would conclude.

Best Die Forgiven in Christ, or a martyr at the opening of the 5th seal or better still be caught up (Raptured) in the clouds at the 6th Seal opening Revelation chapter 1.

Behold he cometh with clouds. Safe from the remaining days of Great Tribulation (42 Months Rev 13:5) and the Trumpets and Vial judgements. God says he will cut short the days of the Great Tribulation for the Elect (beleivers) sake. Meaning we enter into those days to the 6th seal but are not here for the entirety of "THOSE DAYS".

Then falls.
The Wrath of the Lamb (Jesus) Trumpets and the Wrath of Father God Vials as scripture calls it clearly..

Abaddon = Destroyer. Angel of the Abyss. The Bottomless pit. Apollyon/Apollo.

= Horus/Osiris Greek Equivalent.
American One Dollar bill. (I have covered this and it's connections to Obama)

Apophis = Chaos = Serpent. Lucifer, Satan, The Devil, The snake in the garden of Eden.
The English word Chaos is derived from the Greek word (Abyss)

The events of the 7 Trumpets are focused around stars falling, Asteroids, Meteors with fall out weather/ climate events on earth.

Apophis 99942 = Chaos, Serpent, Abyss.
Abaddon/Apollyon = Destroyer from the Abyss.

13th April 2029.

7 trumpet events happening before and after 13.4.29 Apophis99942 the Elite I see believe and are Warning and Preparing for.

Knowing. 2009. Filmed in Melbourne Victoria Australia. Where I live.

Movie. Taglines.

The numbers are a warning.
What happens when the numbers run out?

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