American investigative reporter, Ian Urbina, explains why the CCP is the focus of his investigation

8 months ago

10/24/2023 【Hearing of Congressional-Executive Commission on China】Ian Urbina, an American investigative reporter: Communist China is the focus of our investigation because it not only is the linchpin of global seafood production but also has the most opaque settings and is most prone to illegal fishing practices. Our investigation shows that almost half of the 751 vessels studied by us were tied to human rights or environmental violations.
#CCP #Seefood #humanrightsviolation #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
10/24/2023 【国会行政部门中共国委员会听证会】美国调查记者伊恩·乌尔维纳:中共国之所以为我们调查的重点,因为它不仅是全球海产品生产的关键,还是环境最不透明、最容易出现非法捕捞的国家。在我们研究的 751 艘中共国船舶中,几乎有一半都存在侵犯人权或环境违规问题。
#中共 #海鲜 #侵犯人权#中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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