The CCP moved thousands of forced laborers from Xinjiang to seafood processing plants in Shandong

7 months ago

10/24/2023 【Hearing of Congressional-Executive Commission on China】Ian Urbina, an American investigative reporter: The CCP has been engaged in a state-run effort to move thousands of forced laborers from Xinjiang to seafood processing plants in Shandong Province, which supply seafood to dozens of major brands in the U.S. and worldwide. This state-sponsored forced labor transfer program clearly violates the Uighur Forced Labor Prevention Act of the U.S.
#CCP #Seefood #humanrightsviolation #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
10/24/2023 【国会行政部门中共国委员会听证会】美国调查记者伊恩·乌尔维纳:中共采取国家行动将数千名强迫劳工从新疆转移到位于山东的海鲜加工厂,而这些工厂为美国及全球几十家品牌提供海鲜;这种国家级的强迫劳工转移项目毋庸置疑违反了美国的《防止强迫维吾尔劳工法》。
#中共 #海鲜 #侵犯人权#中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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