LIVE from Northwest Missouri State University (Maryville, MO) - If God, Why Evil?

1 year ago

Does evil disprove God? If not, what is God’s purpose for evil? Why would a good God allow evil that seems to have no purpose? What is God’s ultimate solution to evil? Join Dr. Frank Turek as he presents 'If God, Why Evil?' streaming LIVE from Northwest Missouri State University (Charles Johnson Theater) in Maryville, MO on MON. 10/23 from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM CT. This is a FREE presentation followed by Q&A and is open to the public.

0:00 - Intro
8:08 - Presentation
15:40 - Does Evil Disprove God?
33:38 - What’s the Purpose of Evil?
1:01:11 - What’s God’s Solution for Evil?
1:21:37 - If God hardened Pharaoh’s heart, did Pharaoh have free will?
1:25:17 - How can you defend the faith without it becoming a debate?
1:30:41 - Is there freewill in the absence of the ability to suffer?
1:31:30 - Could there be a holocaust in heaven?
1:32:20 - How do I get the courage to talk to my loved-one about their same-sex lifestyle?
1:37:42 - Can predestination and free will coexist without contradiction?
1:41:24 - Is it justifiable to torture a terrorist for information?
1:45:33 - How will we feel about the scars of Jesus in heaven if there’s no mourning or tears?
1:48:39 - How can I help my Christian friend who’s dating a non-Christian?
1:52:25 - Was there pain originally in the Garden of Eden before the Fall?
1:52:58 - Is it possible that because of grace that we’ve never experienced the full weight of pain or the full weight of joy because of the Fall?
1:54:48 - Has Frank pursued Dr. Tim Stratton’s argument about the God of deception?
1:55:41 - How do we spread the Gospel without politics and worldy things getting in the way?
1:58:56 - Why did Jesus wait 4 days before raising Lazarus from the dead?
2:00:06 - How did Frank come to faith?
2:01:43 - How do you explain to a non-Christian that cohabitation and premarital sex are wrong?
2:06:38 - Why did Frank leave Roman Catholicism?
2:13:35 - Closing Prayer

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