Hamas Terrorist Calls Proud Parents After Killing Israelis

8 months ago

Listen to a phone call of a Hamas terrorist calling home, bragging about how many Jewish people he massacred.

A conversation between a terrorist and his family in which he is proud of the massacre of the Jews.

Hamas Terrorists: Hi Dad, I'm talking to you from Mefalsim. Open my WhatsApp now and you'll see all those killed. Look how many I killed with my own hands! Your son killed Jews! It's inside Mefalsim, Dad. May God protect you. Dad, I'm talking to you from a Jewish woman's phone. I killed her and I killed her husband. I killed ten with my own hands! Dad, ten with my own hands! Dad open WhatsApp and see how many I killed dad. Open the phone, Dad, I'm calling you from WhatsApp, open the phone, go. Dad, I'm in Mefalsim. Dad, I killed ten! Ten! Ten with my own hands. Their blood is on their hands,

Mom: Oh my son, God bless you!

Hamas Terrorists: I swear ten with my own hands, Mother. I killed ten with my own hands.

Mom: May God bring you home safely.

Hamas Terrorists: Dad, go back to WhatsApp now Dad, I want to do a live broadcast from Mefalsim.

Dad: I wish I was with you.

Hamas Terrorists: Mom, your son is a hero. Kill, Kill, Kill!

Mom: Kill them!!

Hamas Terrorists: Mahmoud, Mahmoud!

Mahmoud: Yes, brother. where are you?

Hamas Terrorists: I am in Mefalsim, Alaa. I killed ten Alaa, ten with my own hands. I'm talking to you from a Jew's phone.

Mahmoud: You killed ten?

Hamas Terrorists: Yes, I killed ten, I swear

Mahmoud: Where are you, in Zikim?

Hamas Terrorists: I am in Mefalsim, not Zikim. I am the first [to enter] under the protection and help of Allah. Hold your head up Father, hold your head up inside the city. See on WhatsApp those that I killed, open my WhatsApp.

Come back, come back.

Hamas Terrorists: What do you mean come back? There is no going back - it's either death of victory. My mother gave birth to me for the religion. Alaa. What's with you Alaa, how will I return? Open WhatsApp, see the dead, open it. Open my WhatsApp on my phone.

On your phone?

Hamas Terrorists: Open WhatsApp on your phone. Is this Mahmoud? Look at it on WhatsApp.

Mahmoud: Should I open your phone?

Hamas Terrorists: Open WhatsApp on your phone ans see the dead, how I killed them with my own hands.

Well, promise to come back.

The whole world needs to listen to this.
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