Former DEA Agent Fired Over Positive THC Test

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Welcome to High at Nine News.

With your hosts, Jason Beck & Rico Lamitte, joined by industry correspondents and daily antics from around the country.

We talk about important topics, shining light on global issues and discussing cannabis as it relates to: Politics, Regulation & Reform. Data & Technology. Science Research & Medicine. Family & Parenting. Art, Celebs & Entertainment. Fitness, Sports, Mental Health & Wellness, Plant Based Medicines & Entheogens. Together we are building a stronger community, fighting the stigma & creating change.

Coming to you live Monday through Friday at 9 AM Pacific time and High Noon on the East Coast. Thank you for getting High at 9 with us!

Rico Lamitte
Jason Beck
Dale Schafer
Manndie Tingler
Luke Scarmazzo

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