Divine Planetary Updates With Rick Jewers and Gail of Gaia on FREE RANGE

Streamed on:

October 25, 2023
My Guest: Rick Jewers, Spiritual Teacher,Ascended Master & Overseer of the current planetary Ascension.
The energetic spin of Gaia, the physical vessel of Mother, Earth, has begun to move in the positive direction and is the Superior Commanding Force of Creation upon the planet and has begun to integrate its Divine Order and Directions into reality. No mortal can deter nor obstruct this course, and it is the Immortal Ascending Congregation of approximately 5 billion Souls moving forward on this predestined path.

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Be it known: All intel and comments are subject to change based on events and ever changing/increasing information drops that may or may not be in agreement with FREE RANGE and/or Gail of Gaia at the time of this presentation. Information is dynamic, cumulative and ever changing. Take what resonates and leave the rest behind. Please do your own research and use your own discernment. I do my best to present the truth as I know it at the time presented but your due diligence is required as well. Question everything.
Picture credits go to the amazing Jim Warren, Artist. See his magnificent paintings on his website www.jimwarren.com

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