To all Red Blooded Americans

11 months ago

Note Tic Toc is part of the problem!

Fellow patriots,
This message is for the Veterans, 1% bikers, 3% patriots , past and present LEOs , Gang Bangers , Mobsters , Felons and Farmers and all nationalities of Americans. Now is the time to set aside all differences and prepare for the possibility to battle for our homeland and our families. Humble yourselves patriots. Father God you said that you wanted us to defeat the evil and to stand , and that no weapon formed against us shall prosper . We unite Lord , in the name of your son Jesus of Nazareth . We bind our enemies , and return them to whence they came . If those efforts fall short or in vain , we ask that you place a vail of protection over each of us as we prepare and if necessary battle our enemies. Father God let this be the final warning to the evil that would come against your nation and your body . We do not desire bloodshed Lord , but we do not want our families to be victimized or our homes destroyed . Father God we ask that our strength and stamina hold up, that our wills be stronger than the enemies and may we throttle Satan’s army back to the bowels of hell . We ask this in the name of your Holy son Jesus.


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