Webb telescope spots never-before-seen feature in Jupiter’s atmosphere

9 months ago

Jupiter became one of the initial focal points for the James Webb Space Telescope when it first turned its infrared gaze toward the cosmos in July 2022.

Following the capture of breathtaking images that exceeded astronomers’ expectations, this space observatory has now unveiled an entirely unprecedented aspect of the gas giant’s atmosphere.

Utilizing Webb’s Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam), researchers conducted a series of image captures of Jupiter with a 10-hour interval, employing four distinct filters to discern alterations in the planet’s atmospheric conditions.

Infrared light, which falls outside the spectrum of human vision, has allowed the Webb telescope’s extraordinary capabilities to uncover various newly observed celestial phenomena over the past year.

These include expansive clusters of youthful stars and unexpected pairings of planet-like objects, CNN reported.

READ MORE: https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/24/world/jupiter-jet-stream-webb-scn/index.html

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