🌟🌟🌟 FAME is the name of the Illuminati game...GOD'S fame is the exact opposite!!! 💞💞💞

7 months ago

In this world, that satan rules, fame comes at a great cost to the individual. But in God's kingdom, things are completely flipped. Unless one knows this truth in their heart, the PYRAMID system will be be the default: (even with other believers 😶) Insecurity, fear, comparison, competition and clawing to get to the top, climbing the corporate ladder, etc. IS ALL PART OF THE BEAST PYRAMID SYSTEM. In order to find your true purpose and meaning, you only need to look for the gaze that is already set on you...that is your FATHER in heaven. ONCE YOU KNOW YOU ARE LOVED, YOU DON'T NEED TO SEEK ANYONE ELSE'S APPROVAL ❤️🤗




DRAW YOUR SWORD and wield it! In Matthew 10, Jesus grants His disciples AUTHORITY. Authority is not contingent upon the bearer's character or experience, RATHER dispersal from the issuing entity. The only requirement is relationship and trust in your Father King and ALL of HIS resources belong to you!

PRAYER effects the full authority and force of God's kingdom. It is NOT INNOCUOUS, it is a weapon. It's like a gun...whether in the hands of a 5-year old or 50-year old, its explosiveness and lethality ARE THE SAME!

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