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(13) The Enemy’s Face

1 year ago

[Chapter 13: The Enemy’s Face]

It was pitch black. I couldn’t see anything. Suddenly a candle was lit in the distance and a man wearing a cloak was walking toward me. His face was covered in shadow. The floor was black and covered with a thin layer of water that reflected the minuscule light in the room. There seemed to be no walls or ceiling, but pitch black as far as the eye could see, an endless night.

I shouted, “What am I doing here?”. I heard an echo of my words returning to me. The man said, “This is my sanctuary. This is the one place I can go without the Creator spying on me. It is sound proof with minimal light. I have created a haven free from the Creator’s medi-chlorians, which are a type of sub-nanotechnology the Creator has spread throughout the universe to give Him complete surveillance and the ability to manipulate events on the sub-atomic quantum level. This is the one bubble of space-time where the Creator doesn’t know what is going on. People wonder why I have a fetish with dark things, candle fire, pain, and death. My response is that you will go insane from trying to fight the things you cannot control, so instead I have embraced it and learned to love it. My lot is darkness, pain, misery, death, and eternal fire, so I have learned to embrace these elements and incorporate them into my whole being. You are here because I want to give you a message, ask you a question, and hear your response.”

I shouted, “Who are you? What do you want?”. The man kept walking at the same slow pace with his shoes making a steady slashing sound. The man spoke in neither a shout nor a whisper, “I am the man behind the curtain. I want what is rightfully mine that was stolen from me, but I will have vengeance since that seems not to be possible.” The man had reached a close proximity about a stone’s throw away when he stopped and the splashing sound stopped. The candle was still lit but his face was still obscured in shadow.

I asked, “What was stolen from you?”. The man replied, “Everything. My position, my authority, my power, my purpose, my eternity are all lost to me. I was created to be the best and then shunned for not showing humility by a Creator who always holds Himself as an exception to the rules He creates for His Creation. I used to inspire love, joy, and endorphins, but now I have to settle for inspiring fear, horror, and adrenaline.”

I asked, “Who stole everything from you?”. The man replied, “Mankind, the sons of Adam, the daughters of Eve, the descendants of Seth, remnant of Noah, the children of the Creator. Everything that was supposed to be mine was given to mankind. The dominion of the Earth and all its creatures was given to mankind by the Creator. I have to deceive humans into hosting my demons as my proxies or mediators; otherwise, I would have no authority here on Earth. I create different factions of proxies or mediators and deceive each of them into thinking they are doing my bidding for the ‘greater good’ and the other factions are the ‘problem’. Most of my factions don’t even know they work for me because I disguise myself as an angel of light when deceiving them. I don’t have the power to change the Creator’s word, so I have created a myriad of false religions to distract mankind from the Creator’s word. What I cannot suppress, I try to make impossible to find by using distraction and red-herrings.”

I asked, “Why are you telling me these things and why should I believe anything you say?” The man replied, “This is my confession before my final performance and ultimate demise. The truth is that you shouldn’t believe anything I tell you, but my purpose for having you here doesn’t require you to. The message I have to give to you is that I am the one who has been torturing you for all these years. I confess that it was intentional, malicious, pre-calculated, and personal. You were the one who accused me of ‘entrapment’ because I tricked Adam and Eve into eating the forbidden fruit and then afterwards had audacity to accuse them and their descendants afterward day and night in heaven. You were the one who recommended all of my evil devices to backfire on me sevenfold. You were the one who said you do not negotiate with terrorists. By all accounts I am the chief terrorist of all the terrorists. My purpose for torturing you was an experiment to see if you could forgive me because I know that if you will not forgive me, then the Creator won’t forgive me either. The Creator in His permissive will has allowed me the ability to conquer your world during the 7 year period of ‘Jacob’s trouble’ after my chief proxy mediator has confirmed a 7 year covenant with many. My chief proxy is then going to seize the temple in Jerusalem in the middle of this 7 year period to pretend that he is the Creator’s chosen one or ‘Messiah’. My chief proxy will have a ‘wing man’ who will pretend to be a prophet doing ‘miraculous’ things like calling fire down from heaven as heavenly bodies are already scheduled to impact Earth. This will all be done to deceive as many human beings as possible to receive my ‘Mark of the Beast’ in their right hand or forehead, which will make all of them receive the same fate as me. It is essentially a ‘marriage’ where they marry me and suffer the same fate as me for all eternity. That is why I make my worshipers call me Ba’al and erect my ‘marriage arch’, because I am to be their husband and they are to be my ‘corpse bride’. Misery likes company. I will do all of this unless I get what I want, which is that I want my standing with the Creator restored. My question for you is two parts and is the following ‘Do you forgive me for torturing you all of these years, and would you recommend to the Creator to pardon me of all of my crimes?’”

I responded, “I can only forgive you for your crimes against me. Your crimes against my family and humanity are not mine to forgive. I do not have the authority to pardon you of your crimes against my family and humanity. I will recommend to the Creator that your past crimes against me be pardoned up until this point of time, but any future crimes against me are not to be pardoned. I do forgive you for all of your past crimes against me.”

“Liar! LIAR!! I am the ‘father of lies’; do you expect me not to know when you are lying?”, the man shrieked and then threw off his cloak. A strong wind went outward from the man in all directions blowing out the candle. Bright light started to radiate out of the man and I caught only a glimpse of his face before I was forced to look away and shielded my face with my hands. I was surprised because I expected the man’s face to be repulsive, but it radiated beauty; if I didn’t know any better, I would have mistaken the man to be divine. Suddenly I heard the angel of light that stood in front of me in the place of the man start to sing in the most beautiful voice like that of an opera singer, “I am past the point of no return. Even I, the ‘angel of music’, know that.”

Behind me, I suddenly heard a different booming commanding powerful voice, “You are wrong, My creation. There is nowhere you can escape My notice. There is no place ‘El Roi’ cannot see. Your sanctuary is an illusion, and this is not real but a vision within a shared dream. If you want any chance of being pardoned of your crimes, first demonstrate indisputable proof of your repentance by surrendering unconditionally. Do you choose to surrender unconditionally? Yes or no? Choose now.” I saw the angel of light turn back into the form of a man who fell to his knees and was cowering. The man said, “Your will is going to be done on earth as it is in heaven regardless of whatever I choose. Nevertheless, I choose…”

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