Laid Off? Here is what to do next!

8 months ago

If you are laid off today, what should you immediately do to turn things around?

1 File unemployment

2 File cobra

3 Go on to LinkedIn and turn on your open to work banner

4 While on LinkedIn make a post telling your network you were laid off and are open to interviewing.

5 Reach out on LinkedIn, meaning we are going to message everyone which hiring authority on LinkedIn letting them know you are interviewing.

6 Call, text, and email any of the contacts in your phone that you can think of to let them know you are in the market for a new job.

7 Sign up to Uber and Lyft and start driving during the hours you are not applying. Work any temporary hustle job you can get.

8 Applying for jobs when not working temporary jobs.

Procrastination is your enemy. Take action, network constantly. Work any job you can, and when your not working be applying.

Let me know your thoughts and comments below. Thoughts of other steps a person should take? Share them!

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