Lois Christy Prayer Group conference call for Tuesday, October 24th, 2023

8 months ago

Lois Christy 10/24/2023
Meeting notes and Scripture references
Regular Prayer Call Schedule (please adjust for your local time)
-The Tuesday and Thursday calls begin at 8:30am Central Time
-The Saturday call begins at 9am Central Time.
Note: Video/Audio files uploaded to Rumble can take up to 3 days
to be available, but usually are ready within 24 hours.
Lois has opening prayer.
Father, help us to help You co-labor in prayer. Help us to stop the devil and to do Your will. Help us pray with power, passion and precision. Anoint us to pray. Thank You Holy Spirit for helping us today. In the name of Jesus we ask and pray this.
Playing part of audio:
How Globalists & Communists Encouraged Islamic Terror: https://thenewamerican.com/video/how-globalists-communists-encouraged-islamic-terror/
FLASHBACK: Leaked Audio Reveals Election Denier Hillary Clinton Suggests Rigging Palestine Election in 2006:
Mention of:
Dan 2:40-45
Finally, there will be a fourth kingdom as strong as iron; for iron shatters and crushes all things, and like iron that crushes all things, it will shatter and crush all the others.
And just as you saw that the feet and toes were made partly of fired clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom, yet some of the strength of iron will be in it—just as you saw the iron mixed with clay.
And as the toes of the feet were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle. As you saw the iron mixed with clay, so the peoples will mix with one another, but will not hold together any more than iron mixes with clay.
In the days of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will shatter all these kingdoms and bring them to an end but will itself stand forever.
And just as you saw a stone being cut out of the mountain without human hands, and it shattered the iron, bronze, clay, silver, and gold, so the great God has told the king what will happen in the future.
Mention of:
1 Cor 13:12 AMPC
For now we are looking in a mirror that gives only a dim (blurred) reflection [of reality as in a riddle or enigma], but then [when perfection comes] we shall see in reality and face to face! Now I know in part (imperfectly), but then I shall know and understand fully and clearly, even in the same manner as I have been fully and clearly known and understood [by God].
Discussion of Amir Tsarfati:
-Why is Hamas so stressed about the lack of fuel in the Gaza Strip?
This diabolic Nazi terror group created a whole city underground with 1300 tunnels located 70 meters (229 feet) below the surface with a total length of 500KM (310 miles). Each tunnel is two meters high and two meters wide (6.5’ x 6.5’).
All are made of concrete that the western world donated for schools, hospitals, kindergartens, and more. These tunnels are protecting the top commanders and leaders as well as 30K of their “soldiers”.
Air for the tunnels comes via a ventilation system that uses engines operated by gasoline. This is their only source of oxygen underground. No fuel means no air. No air means they must come out of the tunnels to breathe. Coming out means being killed by the IDF.
- The United States is offering a $10 million reward to anyone who provides information on Hamas Vice President Saleh al-ArorI.
- The people felt safe in Israeli before this attack. Now Israeli citizens are arming themselves in their kibbutz’s.
-Mention of children taken and their pictures:
Praying for the peace of Jerusalem:
Ps 122:6-9
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. For my brethren and companion’s sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee. Because of the house of the Lord our God I will seek thy good.
Is 62:1
For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not keep still, until her righteousness shines like a bright light, her salvation like a blazing torch.
-Father, we lift up the Israeli people to You. We lift up the young men fighting to eradicate the wicked enemy of Israel.
Lord, we pray that You would make a way of escape for those who do not want to harm the Israeli people according to Psalm 68:20. God is to us a God of deliverances and salvation; and to God the Lord belongs escape from death [setting us free]. Deliver the innocent of heart.
We ask You Lord to eradicate the wicked that want to destroy Your people and Israel. Preserve Your nation and step in, to stop the Cabal from going any further. In the name of Jesus. Lord, we don’t know how to pray so we pray in the Holy Ghost and ask for Your direction and scriptures to pray.
Rom 8:22-28
For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man sees, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.
Likewise the Spirit also helps our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit Itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
And He that searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.
Praying in the Holy Spirit:
-Hearing “Pharmakeia” while praying.
- Mention of:
Report: Terrorists Drugged Themselves to Commit Atrocities Against Civilians:
- Rev 9:21 and they did not repent of their murders nor of their sorceries [Pharmakeia] nor of their immorality nor of their thefts.
- Rev 9:13-21 Then the sixth angel sounded: And I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.”
So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind.
Now the number of the army of the horsemen was two hundred million; I heard the number of them. And thus I saw the horses in the vision: those who sat on them had breastplates of fiery red, hyacinth blue, and sulfur yellow; and the heads of the horses were like the heads of lions; and out of their mouths came fire, smoke, and brimstone.
By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed—by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone which came out of their mouths. For their power is in their mouth and in their tails; for their tails are like serpents, having heads; and with them they do harm.
But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk.
And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries [Pharmakeia] or their sexual immorality or their thefts.
Ps 75:1-10 TPT -A Cup in God’s Hand
God, our hearts spill over with praise to you! We overflow with thanks, for your name is the “Near One.” All we want to talk about is your wonderful works! And we hear your reply: “When the time is ripe I will arise, and I will judge the world with perfect righteousness. Though I have set the earth firmly on its pillars, I will shake it until it totters, and everyone’s hearts will tremble.”
God warns the proud, “Stop your arrogant boasting!” And he warns the wicked, “Don’t think for a moment you can resist me! Why would you speak with such stubborn pride? Don’t you dare raise your fist against Me!”
This I know: the favor that brings promotion and power doesn’t come from anywhere on earth, for no one exalts a person but God, the true judge of all. He alone determines where favor rests. He anoints one for greatness and brings another down to his knees.
A foaming cup filled with judgment mixed with fury is in the hands of the Lord Yahweh, full to the brim and ready to run over. He filled it up for the wicked, and they will drink it down to the very last drop!
But I will proclaim the victory of the God of Jacob. My melodies of praise will make him known. My praises will break the powers of wickedness, while the righteous will be promoted and become powerful!
For PDJT and Israel:
Ps 92:7-11 NKJ
When the wicked spring up like grass, and when all the workers of iniquity flourish, it is that they may be destroyed forever.
But You, Lord, are on high forevermore. For behold, Your enemies, O Lord, for behold, Your enemies shall perish; all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered.
But my horn You have exalted like a wild ox; I have been anointed with fresh oil. My eye also has seen my desire on my enemies; My ears hear my desire on the wicked who rise up against me.
- We decree this for Israel, in the name of Jesus.
Mention of:
Trump co-defendant Jenna Ellis pleads guilty in Georgia election case:
Praying in the Holy Spirit for the hostages.
Deliver all the children and all that remain, in the name of Jesus.
- The Leviathan spirit switches everything.
- Is 5:20
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
- Rom 1:18
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
-1 Tim 4:1-4
Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
- 2 Tim 3:1-7
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
For PDJT, Israel, Owen Shroyer, etc:
Ps 64:1-10 TPT Victory over Evildoers
Lord, can’t you hear my cry, my bitter complaint? Keep me safe from this band of criminals and from the conspiracy of these wicked men. They gather in their secret counsel to destroy me.
Can’t you hear their slander, their lies? Their words are like poison-tipped arrows shot from the shadows. They are unafraid and have no fear of consequences.
They persist with their evil plans and plot together to hide their traps. They boast, “No one can see us or stop us!” They search out opportunities to pervert justice as they plan the “perfect crime.” How unsearchable is their endless evil! They try desperately to hide the deep darkness of their hearts.
But all the while God has His own fire-tipped arrows! Suddenly, without warning, they will be pierced and struck down. Staggering backward, they will be destroyed by the very ones they spoke against. All who see this will view them with scorn.
Then all will stand awestruck over what God has done, seeing how He vindicated the victims of these crimes.
The lovers of God will be glad, rejoicing in the Lord. They will be found in His glorious wraparound presence, singing songs of praise to God!
Amen and so be it.
Praying in the Holy Ghost:
- Father we are praying in tongues for Your Word that we just prayed and declared. We know that the angels perform it. Ps 103:20 Bless the LORD, you angels of His, you mighty warriors who obey His Word, who carry out His orders!
- Lois releases Mighty, General angels in the spirit.
- 2 Kgs 6:16
Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.
Hearing in spirit for PDJT:
Ps 27:2 NKJV
When the wicked came against me to eat up my flesh, my enemies and foes, they stumbled and fell.
Praying over PDJT and decreeing this over him right now, in the name of Jesus:
Ps 27:1-4a,12,14 NKJV
The Lord is my (PDJT) light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked came against me to eat up my flesh, my enemies and foes, they stumbled and fell.
Though an army may encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war may rise against me, in this I will be confident. One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
12 Do not deliver me (PDJT) to the will of my adversaries; For false witnesses have risen against me, and such as breathe out violence.
14 Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!
Playing part of:
Ep. 4551 SPECIAL REPORT: Running Child Rescue Operations – Luke From ShatterOps Joins Doug Hagmann In Studio | Oct 23, 2023
Mention of:
-Satanic Ritual Calendar:
The Blood of Jesus over everyone. Laying hands on our maps and praying over our counties and states for protection, canceling the curses of the witches and having their curses boomerang back on them. We plead the precious Blood of Jesus over our counties and states, in the name of Jesus.
- Pr 26:2 CJB
Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse will not land on its intended victim.
Father, we plead the Blood of Jesus over the victims that the satanists plan to use. We pray that You make a way of escape for all the innocent people and animals that the witches want to sacrifice, murder and kill.
We restrain the evil intent of witchcraft and rituals by the Blood of Jesus, His Word and the name of Jesus. We send the spirit of terrorism discomforting, thwarting, upending, restraining, confounding and confusion into the midst of these witches. Let them realize that they are being addressed by the True and Living God, that there is no other God than Him. Let them see the Blood and Cross of Jesus and have the fear of the Living God.
Let the plans and purposes of the wicked terrorize and boomerang back to them. Let them be in utter terror. Let their plans be destroyed and fouled up.
We bind all the unclean spirits of depression, oppression, accidents and all other curses. We send them all back to the witches. We loose the Light of the Living God over our counties and states. In the name of Jesus.
Father, send these witches a spirit of repentance and show them what will happen to them if they do not turn to Jesus as their savior.
In the name of Jesus.
Father, let this be a time of extreme consternation, amazement, dismay, bewilderment alarming, hindering and throwing the witches into confusion. We loose a spirit of consternation on the witches and satanists so they cannot do what they were planning on doing, in the name of Jesus.
Ps 74:11-14 TPT
Why don’t You do something? You have the power to break in, so why would You hide Your great power from us? Don’t hold back! Unleash Your might and give them a final blow.
You have always been, and always will be, my King. You are the mighty conqueror, working wonders all over the world. It was You who split the sea in two by Your glorious strength. You smashed the power of Tannin, the sea monster. You crushed the might of Leviathan, the great dragon, then You took the crumbs and fed them to the sharks.
Ps 36:6,12 ERV
Your goodness is higher than the highest mountains. Your fairness is deeper than the deepest ocean. Lord, You protect people and animals.
12 Put this on their grave markers: “Here fell the wicked. They were crushed. They will never stand up again.”
Humiliation of Babylon:
Is 47:12-15
Stand now with your enchantments and the multitude of your sorceries, in which you have labored from your youth—perhaps you will be able to profit, perhaps you will prevail.
You are wearied in the multitude of your counsels; let now the astrologers, the stargazers, and the monthly prognosticators stand up and save you from what shall come upon you.
Behold, they shall be as stubble, the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame; it shall not be a coal to be warmed by, nor a fire to sit before!
Thus shall they be to you with whom you have labored, your merchants from your youth; they shall wander each one to his quarter. No one shall save you.
Lois prays:
The Blood of Jesus over every person on this call, our loved ones, our families, and those that come on later. The Blood of Jesus over our spirits, souls and bodies and all that concerns us. The witch’s curses will not penetrate any of us but their curses will boomerang back to those who send them.
Pr 26:2 Like a flitting sparrow or a fluttering swallow, an undeserved curse goes nowhere.
Ps 94:23 God has made the sins of evil men to boomerang upon them! He will destroy them by their own plans. Jehovah our God will cut and wipe them off.
We plead the Blood of Jesus over our spiritual, physical and emotional well-being. Thank You for guarding our going out and going in. You are comforting all on this call for You are the God of all comfort.
The Blood of Jesus over us for our physical protection, angels are encamped around us.
The Blood is over our properties, we dwell in peaceful habitation where the presence of God is. No plague or calamity comes hear our dwellings because You give Your angels charge over them.
The Blood of Jesus over everyone’s finances for blessing and increase. We all get good deals of what we need. We are being led by the Spirit of God for what we are to buy and what we should do with our finances. We hear Your voice and the voice of a stranger we do not follow. We are quick, willing and obedient to do as You tell us to do.
The Blood of Jesus over everyone’s pets, they are happy, healthy and safe.
The Aaronic blessing over everyone:
The Lord bless you, protect and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you His peace.
In the name of Jesus we pray and ask all of this.
Prayer for Lois:
Father, we lift up Lois to You Father, the Blood of Jesus over Lois and all that is connected to her. We thank You for Your Word and truth. Thank You Holy Spirit for how You lead this prayer call. Thank You for Lois and how You use her gifts and anointings on this prayer call that are helping to redeem this nation. The Blood over her loved ones, properties and health.
We ask for blessings upon her and to increase her finances. Every footstep that she takes is anointed by You. She hears Your voice and the voice of a stranger she does not follow. She is quick to understand clearly the direction that You want her to go. She does not go to the left or right but goes straight into Your kingdom. Increase her finances and we ask for supernatural favor with You and man. We ask for supernatural health for Lois. We ask for protection for her pets.
We ask for You to lead Lois regarding the big purchases she needs to make for this coming season. All the money will come and also the perfect labors to help her in the name of Jesus.
We loose the angels to go and get her finances and bring them to her. Devil, you will not steal from her anymore. We bind you from interfering with her finances and healing.
Surround her with peace and rest in her soul; give her the peace that passes all understanding.
Thank You Father that You hear and answer these prayers. She receives the blessings that You have for her.
The Aaronic blessing over Lois:
The Lord bless you Lois, protect and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you His peace.
We bless her today in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Testimony about witchcraft on the school grounds.
Anoka MN; The Self-Proclaimed ‘Halloween Capital of the World’:
If you are interested to know where “wokeness” comes from: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cxg9-Kguisx/
Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life John 6:68
Make much of the Blood of Jesus & the Blood will make much of you.

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