'Failure to act' on suicide website linked to 50 UK deaths.

8 months ago

WARNING!! viewer discretion is advised!

British authorities failed to act on multiple official warnings about a website promoting suicide that has been connected to at least 50 UK deaths, the BBC has found.The online forum, which we are not naming, is easily accessible to anyone on the open web, including children. Our investigation has identified multiple warnings to government by coroners and a number of police investigations, but the forum still remains active. Families of the dead, the youngest just 17, say the failure to act led to more avoidable deaths. They are demanding an inquiry. They're speaking out, despite the risks others may find the forum, because they want action now to shut it down and prevent deaths in the future. The forum's founders remain elusive, but during our investigation we managed to track one of them down to his home in the US. The government was first warned by a coroner about the forum in December 2019. Callie Lewis had been assessed as being autistic at a young age and struggled with chronic depression and suicidal thoughts.


If you are EVER having any of these feelings please seek help remember you are not alone!
Call: 116 123

A Snowflakes Viewpoint Episode 9: Mental Health, Depression, Anxiety & Suicide


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