Adult Content Real Zionism - Modern Prophets - Satan wants War Bloodshed and Control -10-24-23

1 year ago

Warning - Adult Content - Real Zionism Is In Christ - Modern Prophets - Satan wants War Bloodshed and Control -10-24-23

@@ Warning - human sacrifice and Eating of Flesh!! Lucifer's Rituals and artwork is shown Briefly!! @@

Video Sources -

Two Zions One world control by Lucifer - with Blood Horror and War with many ways to Control People -

The other way and Zion is by Christ and Modern Prophets and Apostles…

Which way will the world go, and this is why Israel is last for world control and WW3 - Which is coming but not yet and not with Trump and Others….

Know and see the differences -

Christ will come and destroy Jerusalem's wickedness - or Lucifer's Zionism! Plus so much more…

Do not show this to children!!

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