Matthew 17, Mark 9, Luke 9:28-62 | KJV Controversies, the Transfiguration, and A Boy With a Demon

1 year ago

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Ever wondered how the translation of the Bible could possibly impact its meaning? We've taken a deep dive into Mark 9:29, comparing the King James version with more recent versions, to reveal some fascinating discrepancies. We explore the controversial addition of "and fasting" in the King James version, which was written in 1611 without access to the manuscripts that we have today. This episode uncovers how seemingly minor changes can alter our understanding of the scriptures, including the notion that the disciples had the same powers as Jesus, and the unexpected reveal of who really lacked faith in the story.

We discuss Jesus' mysterious instruction to 'tell no one' until the Son of Man is raised from the dead and his increasingly pointed language about his impending fate. The disciples' struggle to understand Jesus' predications and their ensuing arguments about who was the greatest among them, provides a refreshing reminder of the importance of humility and service to others.

Matthew 17 begins with the spectacular Transfiguration of Jesus, where he is transfigured before Peter, James, and John, appearing alongside Moses and Elijah. This event highlights Jesus's divine nature and affirms his role as the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets. The chapter also includes a story about the disciples' inability to cast out a demon, which Jesus attributes to their lack of faith. He performs a miracle by casting out the demon himself. In addition, Jesus teaches about the temple tax, demonstrating his divine authority by having a fish produce the required coin. The chapter underscores the importance of faith and the uniqueness of Jesus' mission.

Mark 9 features the Transfiguration as well, emphasizing Jesus's divine identity. The chapter also addresses the disciples' inability to cast out a demon and Jesus's response about the role of faith. It further emphasizes the necessity of faith and the need to remove stumbling blocks. Mark 9 contains the famous teaching about plucking out one's eye if it causes them to sin, emphasizing the seriousness of sin. The chapter highlights the cost of discipleship and the demand for radical commitment to following Jesus.

In Luke 9:28-62, we see the Transfiguration event, affirming Jesus's divine nature. The chapter also contains teachings on humility, greatness, and the cost of discipleship. Jesus rebukes the disciples for their ambition and emphasizes the importance of servanthood. As Jesus and his disciples journey, he encounters individuals with various excuses for not following him, including one who wants to bury his father. Jesus calls for unwavering commitment and immediate dedication to the kingdom of God, emphasizing that no one who looks back is fit for service in the kingdom. The chapter underscores the urgency and self-sacrifice required in following Jesus.

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