RTG 24-7 News-To save souls-All of them! No sinner left behind! Truth won !

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Angels-take your prayers up so respect them and ask for more help
The time line in the Bible Revelation-16 v 12 The River is dry! Get on fire ! Lock & Load a bible in your hearts !
We where told to tell all get righteous...sin free asap read the book daily,,pray all day in your mind !!
#GetSinFreeOrDie Matt 5 says it clearly !
Trust in no man for their is no good men on earth ! #StepOne #Repent daily #Pray for wisdom on how to pray never stop !
Pray do not stop they need to kill you before your sin free after your saved!
#Obama in labs 2005 in Ukraine
#Joe others cutting our oil off day one same obama tried to do..took over news twitter to hide truth and fraud
#All who turned a blind eye to the 2020 election and joes crimes make them compliciante in the crimes of fraud treason and whagt ever else Joe & Barry did to amass so much cash simple math is evidence enough they should USA out for pennies on the dollar !
If only half was true you would not let him run your home ...impeach 8 am call the new speaker and demand 24-7 impeachments or we all die the second death for the sin of cowardliness...and cowards die first !
Bible is real if any one says you will get in heaven not on fire sin free is a liar !!
Read the bible Jesus said to all he saved like the blind man go and sin no more or worse than being blind Angels told us God wants us 100% sin free or we die....! wake up

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