MK Ultra Govt Sex Slave Survivor Cathy O'Brien Interviewed by Patriot Streetfighter

8 months ago

MK Ultra mind control child trafficking and sex slave survivor Cathy O'Brien unveils the darkness of the connected elite rulers/pedophiles and the light she found on the other side to help save humanity from the Luciferian world controllers.

Those involved in trafficking her as a sex slave since she was a child include presidents, governors, politicians, judges, police, schools and others.

See Cathy's work:
Watch her new documentary at:

typed a transcript of a little snippit below:

PatriotStreetFighter host: So, let's go from that on to your going through high school and then at some point, I think you were seven, at what age did your father sell you into sex slavery? When you were young?

Cathy O'Brien: [Nods yes]

PatriotStreetFighter host: Obviously, you're now living a prominent lifestyle all because he's getting million dollar contracts with The Pentagon or whatever. Living a great lifestyle it sounds like and now your obviously going through high school and at some point now at what age were you, you mentioned this young politician that was sexually abusing you, Gerald Ford, who ended up becoming president of the United States. People look at these, we look at these people in the history and we think these are very honorable decent men. When I tell people, I've been telling this Cathy for nearly two years now or at least two years plus that the global power structure are Satanists, they're run by the Satanic Order. You don't get into a position that high in power unless you have done the things to people, you know human beings, like they've done to you. You're not going to get there. Unless you're a you know a Kennedy or a Reagan who through sand in the gears then or Trump. But we'll talk about Reagan here in a minute because truth has to be revealed on everybody. But at what point did you start having these interactions or sexual interactions with Gerald Ford? Was he a Congressman at the time? or before he became Congressman? local politician? and how were you?

Cathy O'Brien: About 6-years-old. 5 or 6-years-old and he's the one who told my father that he could receive immunity from prosecution by selling me into the project. And he pretty directed a lot of activity from that point going forward which included going to the Governors mansion and Mackinac Island, Michigan which was where Romney was Governor and it was there that I met Pierre Trudeau. Pierre Trudeau sexually assaulted me when I was 9-years-old at the Governors mansion in Michigan which is really close to the Canadian border. And Pierre Trudeau was heavily involved in MK-ultra mind control on the Catholic end of things very much the Jesuit of MK-ultra mind control. But nevertheless, he believed in pedophilia. He was absolutely a pedophile and had sexually assaulted me. So that was the kind of politicians that I was starting to be exposed to. By the time I was 13 back in Mackinac, Michigan, I was exposed to who would become my owner and MK-ultra mind control U.S. Senator Robert C. Byrd.

PatriotStreetFighter host: Imagine that. Robert Byrd from West Virginia. You know what's interesting to me? In many many cases and I probably become to great weakness of my own, judgemental weakness of my own, I can kind of look at some of these people, I just look at this guy and go this guy is a pedophile. There's something about the way they look. Forgive if I sound wrong or narcissitically wrong but it's like some of these people are just like you look at them and you wonder if he's a pedophile because no woman unless he's worth a billion dollars are going to want to be with this guy. Or because they have this look about them and it's not just this facial structure or whether they're handsome of good looking or not, it oftentimes seems to be the opposite they're not. But there is this weird twist look about them. I can't describe it. I know most people have this same mindset like yeah you see this guy obvioiusly he looks like one. Is that true to a degree?

Cathy O'Brien: I thik there's a definitely an ability for me to recognize but that's because without free thought and no free will and no self preservation I had to heighten senses. You know I developed strong senses. I knew who was a threat, who was a problem, who's a pedophile, you know just really strong vibrational type sense. It's still easy for me to see and recognize because even though I'm healed now and I have free thought and continuity of thought I still my brain was blasted into those primitive parts I'm keeping them they're mine. And I'm glad to have such heightened senses. So yeah I definitely see it and sometimes why isn't everybody seeing that it's so obvious. You look at George Bush who told us he was ushering in the New World Order. George Bush Sr when he was, he would just talk to everybody in his Mister Roger's voice, you know like he was talking to a bunch of kids or whatever. We start learning to recognize that aspect.

The names that I mentioned, those that I was exposed to I think is really important to bring out because we're seeing their offspring carrying on today like George Romney, we got Mitt Romney. And we look at Gerald Ford and you know I never thought how anyone could not see what he did with the Warren Commission. He covered up the Kennedy assassination. That's when this cabal, this New World Order, this secret government really gained a lot of control over the U.S. That's when the media was taken over. Look at who went into Ford's cabinet. He had Jack Villenti whose head of the Motion Pictures Association of America. They're controlling the media. They were controlling what people could know about the Kennedy assassination. That's why it's still covered up today. Because it's when they took control. Because Kennedy was going to expose this cabal and this New World Order mind control effort that was going on. He had Cheney in his cabinet, Rumsfeld, Kissinger and George Bush the head of the CIA. It's the same handful of criminals over and over again. And when we realize this small handful of dark energy force has been manipulating us for so many generations it's inexcusable that we allow it to go on any further. We need to look at the offspring of these people. Realize that the Clintons... I'm naming Democrats and Republicans I was exposed to both. But we still need to pay attention to that because it's in my 1995 testimony for Congress, transformation of America. 1995 they had already discussed how the New World Order was going to be ushered in. That when people became disillusioned with Republicans leading them in then Clinton's as Democrats would be put in and it would go back to Bush's and back to Clinton's until Hillary was suppposed to have ushered it in 2016. But that obviously didn't happen. The New World Order has been crumbling under awareness for a long time. Really we already won we just need to claim our victory and let them know they're not going to control us.

PatriotStreetFighter host: So, I have a question for you. You mentioned H.W. Bush the child rapist, drug runner, child trafficker, leader of the 4th Reich Nazi who had this Mister Rogers type of personality, possible projection. We all thought he was what he was. When you said that he talked in his Mister Rogers voice was that not his real voice when he was around you or anybody else? He just turned that on in front of cameras? or was that his real demeanor or voice?

Cathy O'Brien: That was pretty much his demeanor and voice. But neverthless, it's one that people shouldn't reconize. It's not exactly the demeanor and voice of a world leader you konw. Bush was usually behind the scenes. He was the power behind the scenes through many administrations, including Ford's. He was always the power behind the scenes. Him and Cheney and Clinton's they were all real close ushering in the New World Order. But whatever demeanor they project we need to realize they're just projecting that to the population to manipulate the minds of the population. It wasn't Bush's favorite thing to do. But he had to fulfill that role at some point.

PatriotStreetFighter host: You mean as being the president?

Cathy O'Brien: Yeah because that' beneath him. That's what Byrd always said too. Why would he ever run for president when it's so much beneath him. That's just the parrot out front.

PatriotStreetFighter host: That's a pretty bold statement because now that you say that it give people a picture of this reality they could never comprehend that being the president of the United States is the one that's all powerful but with H.W. Bush it's beneath him because they're the players in the background that control these little mindless idiots, puppets who may be the president of the United States. Again outside of Trump, or Reagan, or Kenney. Yeah that's something I never heard of as a perspective. No one would have entertained being beneath him. Yeah because the dark controllers at that level are the ones who put these puppets in power and basically have a hand up their back like a ventriliquest dummy. You mention that H.W. Bush was especially brutal and I think that might have been with your daughter in the program when he sexually tortured and abused her he was pretty brutal? Is that true?

Cathy O'Brien: Yes. Extremely so and it's not like it's a sexual perversion. It's a power. It's a control. It's a deliberate destruction of a mind.

PatriotStreetFighter host: Did you view this or did she tell you about it?

Cathy O'Brien: I knew everything was unfolding that way. I knew. They didn't need to tell me. I always saw the results after. It was absolutely horrible. It was absolutely horrible what they did to my daughter. The most horrible trauma that I ever experienced was the most torturous thing I have ever experienced. I have been physically tortured to the point of death so many times, my spirit was always in a safe loving space while I was being totured to carry out what I was supposed to do. But even that is secondary to the horrific torture that it was knowing that my daughter was being sexually abused and I couldn't stop it anymore than I could stop the abuse that was happening to me. So it was horrific and it was probably the main way they controlled me. Do this or Kelly gets it. Of course she got it anyway. There was no way out. There was no place to run and no place to hide. The way they have it set up to make you feel totally trapped where there's nothing you can do but comply.


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