Instant healing: Lise's Thyroid Triumph and Beyond! Energetic Cellular Regeneration Results.

7 months ago

Hey there, ECR enthusiasts!

I have an electrifying interview for you today, and it's filled with excitement, energy, and a dash of humour.  The fantastic journey of Lise continues; I have even brought in DE advanced practitioner Dr Els to explain the miraculous results.

Lise's Journey: From Tired to Totally Terrific!

Do you remember Lise? She's the one who was bouncing off the walls with excitement after experiencing the wonders of Energetic Cellular Regeneration (ECR). Lise bid farewell to her under-active thyroid symptoms and kissed her fatigue goodbye. She is now living life with unparalleled vigour, feeling like she has rolled back the years! Link to video:

In a daring move, Lise decided to kick her medications to the curb, including those pricey hormone replacements (BHRT). We must clarify - this isn't something we'd recommend, but Lise decided to take a leap of faith. She was dropping around $600 Canadian bucks a month on meds and supplements to keep her energy in check. They were helping proven by that time in March when she ran out of meds and turned into an instant couch potato - exhausted! They were helping but she was still lacklustre even with them.

Dr. Els's Diagnosis: Thyroid Transformation!

Here's the kicker – our very own Dr. Els, was invited to the interview to assess Lise's bloodwork. What she found was absolutely mind-blowing! Lise's levels hadn't changed after ditching the meds – they were the same as when she was on them. This suggests one thing: her thyroid is healed! If you've seen her energy levels, you'd be nodding along too – they are through the roof! It's a stunning confirmation that ECR is the real deal.

Lise herself sums it up perfectly: "Having an ECR session was the best thing I ever did."

Lord Ashtar's Update: The Future Looks Marvelous!

As if Lise's transformation wasn't exciting enough, we've also got some stellar updates from none other than Lord Ashtar himself. The future is looking bright, my friends! You won't want to miss what's on the horizon.

Of course, we couldn't wrap things up without a dose of wisdom from Lise herself. Her secret to staying youthful? "Don't hang out with old people!" Well, there you have it, folks - the fountain of youth has been revealed.

We had a blast filming this interview, and we hope you'll enjoy watching it just as much! So, grab some popcorn, kick back, and get ready for an incredible story of transformation, energy, and excitement.

Stay tuned for more uplifting updates and keep those good vibes rolling!

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