Ally Carter Child Trafficking Survivor; Raped by Obama, Biden

10 months ago

Alley Carter discusses the horrors she lived through being trafficked when she was in the foster care system. And how children are being trafficked for sex in the public school system, and other public offices.

She also mentions being raped by Obama and Biden and many high profile people.

Ally Carter says that her biological mother routinely slept with authority figures, and soon initiated her own children. At 13 she was being trafficking to Local police chiefs, Hollywood power players, celebrities like John Travolta, Beyoncé, and politicians like Barack Obama, and Joe Biden. She stepped forward before the election, but was ignored. In this interview with Stew she tells the whole satanic story.

Stew Peters interviews Ally Carter whistleblower survivor of government run Satanic Ritual Abuse. She says that her biological mother was affiliated with the Black Panthers routinely slept with authority figures, and soon initiated her own children. At 13 she was being trafficking to Buckingham Palace, under the Getty Museum in Los Angeles still under the custody of Child Protective Services the US child welfare system, local police chiefs, Hollywood power players, celebrities like John Travolta, Beyoncé, Steven Tyler lead singer for Aerosmith, and politicians like Barack Obama, and Joe Biden. She stepped forward before the election, but was ignored and censored by social media. In this interview with Stew Peters she tells the whole satanic ritual abuse story.

Ally Carter said, "And everyone is worried about the elite... and we can give those names of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, we know about Michelle Obama that's a man, we know about Too Short, we know about Akon and Steven Tyler and we can give those names all day. Everybody is so worried about them. But what you should be worried about are the people in-between. The people that go as low as your grave diggers. I was trafficked to people within my schools. I was trafficked in underground tunnels that link under your schools, through your cemeteries, under your amusement parks, through Universal Studios, and into Hollywood elite homes. All over the place. All over the world. And people just don't understand that and they can't fathom that, and they can't put that together. Everybody is complicit. It's covered up by your local FBI. It is covered up by your local police department. It is underground tunnels. There's a whole world. It's a different way of life. There's every source of transportation underground."

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