Karl Coates #EP7

10 months ago

Cameraman, artist & author. Karl coates tells some of his fascinating life stories and Dan gets to know the man behind the camera...

They also discuss his book, the blurb is below:
I've seen an A-list celebrity making love, been spat at, bricked, attacked and had a gun pointed at my head. I've been up in a helium balloon and worn a parachute, been down the deepest mine in Europe, covered some riots, avoided several petrol bombs, watched a princess break down and filmed a junkie shooting up. I've sat in the Prime Minister's kitchen and had a look through his wife's cookbooks, talked to a murderer, a cocaine-fuelled professional footballer and a dodgy copper, and discussed art with a member of the cabinet and helped look for a lost wig for the secretary state for Northern Ireland. A missle has locked on to the helicopter I've been flying in, I've watched dead bodies being taken out of a house and told the wife of an ex-president of the USA to eff off. I've had a knife pressed against my throat and nearly drowned trying to swim a lake whilst under the influence. I've walked an elephant through the town centre, been on the lash with some popstars and passed out on the balcony of a five-star hotel. I've been threatened with arrest, got stuck in the mud 400ft down at the bottom of the lake in a submarine, drunk tea with Paul Gascoigne and had a documentary I worked on in Panama before nominated for a BAFTA. These are just some of Karl Coates' fascinating stories.

This is a good one. Enjoy!

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