10.15.23 "The Time for Both Pedestals & Crosses Is Over"

8 months ago

I have frequently heard people talk about how ACIM is restoring Jesus' true message that he gave 2000 plus years ago. The assumption is the original message got distorted. The gospels themselves were not written until many decades after the events. Many scholars believe they were written down from oral traditions and not by the apostles Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John themselves.

I don't claim to be an expert on Biblical history and scholarship, however from the little I have read it would be easy to see how the original teachings of Jesus might easily have been lost or at least distorted by the time the gospels were written down and collected. However it is also possible that Jesus' message has evolved along with Jesus himself. All throughout ACIM Jesus is telling us that we are also the Christ and that there is no inherent difference between him and us. We are to ourselves declare, "My oneness with the Christ establishes me as Your Son, beyond the reach of time and wholly free of every law but Yours." (OrEd.WkBk.354.1)

The message that followed from the gospels, and the Christian faith that evolved from that message, still has Jesus very much up on a pedestal. It also has Jesus very much up on a cross with his body dying. Somehow those 2 things go together. The new message from ACIM takes Jesus down from the pedestal and hopefully down from the cross as well.

We all are the Christ and none of us need be on the death cross. Seeing us all as the Christ levels the playing field, and also takes us all off whatever personal crosses we have put ourselves on. Everyone is healed when everyone is Christ acknowledged "You have reacted for years as if you were being crucified. This is a marked tendency of the separated ones" (OrEd.Tx.6.6)

The time for both pedestals and crosses is over. I believe this is how Jesus' message, and Jesus himself, has evolved over the past 2000 plus years. He was not "the" messiah anymore. He was and still is a messiah, and so are all of us. I believe this is the new covenant Jesus is giving us to teach and just as in his time 2000 plus years ago, don't expect the current religious establishment to welcome it with open arms.

27 min.

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