Ep. 32 | George Floyd Story Was a Lie! Vince Everett Ellison

7 months ago

10/20/23 Full Episode 32 | You’ll be shocked to learn this, but it turns out the whole George Floyd story was a lie.
Tucker Carlson, Tucker on X (Twitter)

The Left's Lies About George Floyd Exposed.
This video reveals the dishonest liberal narrative around George Floyd's death.

Key Points:
- New testimony proves George Floyd wasn't murdered as originally claimed.
- The left pushed a false narrative to justify radical policies like defunding police.
- They want more dependency and victimhood in black communities.
- BLM and Antifa acted as violent arms of the Democrats.
- They will manufacture another racially divisive incident to cause chaos before the next election.
- We must fight back against these lies and prevent further decay of our society.

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