8 months ago

I saw the movie tonight. I ran through every emotion, but I left mostly sad for our country and for those who are still asleep and unable to grasp the severity of where we are at. Go to policestatefilm.net and I believe after Wednesday which is the last theater showing they will open it up to watch it online. It is a must see. My heart is breaking for all those who have been bullied, harassed and life's ruined by our three letter agencies who swore an Oath to uphold our constitution and clearly are not. This is for all our brothers and sisters currently being held as political prisoners and those who are no longer with us because it was all to much for them. May the God's bless this great nation and the time for waking up to reality is quickly coming to a close, so WAKE THE HELL UP. #houseofcards #youarethepunchline #dumpsterfire #policestate #dineshdsouza #danbongino #fourtwentypatriot

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