8 months ago

The Matrix cracked the day they canceled me.

This isn’t arrogance.

Think about it. Track the date.

Remember my first message to them post “cancellation”

“You fucked up with me. You pushed too far.

My unmatched perspicacity coupled with sheer indefatigability makes me a feared opponent in any realm of human endeavor”

I’m sure they laughed.

Expected me to go away. I didn’t.

Then they threw me in jail, expecting the world to believe them.

They didn’t.

Rumble now beats YouTube.

MSM credibility at 0.

God’s grace meant X replaced Twitter.

The implications are far-reaching - the good guys are now bad guys.

The victims are shown to be the bullies.

The lies don’t work.

Decades-long reputations built on propaganda collapse.

They try harder and harder to lie - incinerating credibility in real-time.

The Matrix is mad mad.

They will come for the truth tellers.

They will try and chop off the head of the snake they can no longer tame.

The only way out is through.

Do not be a coward. They can’t kill us all.

Believe in God.

Live for something greater than yourself.

Without truth in the world, your children will be slaves.

Resist the slave mind.

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